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Posts posted by laisla

  1. Back to day 1 for you la'isla Ony you can make it stop. Don't reply. Try meditation. Get a racket and ball, and hit that ball as hard as you can against the garden wall. Make a list of all the world foods you haven't tried, and try them. Buy a book on mythology - that'll keep you busy for at least a month!


    that's so selfish, while he is there crying why should i be there testing out foods and playing with balls..

  2. april 4, 2009 - 1:10 am


    well he messaged me on msn. he told me not to leave him. he was being very emotional. any other day i would have definitely taken him back. the difference is that this time i know i don't want this relationship. he is way too overprotective and i have become an unhappy person. i do love him VERY much. but i cannot handle "us".


    he got mad in the end and told me to block him. so.......i did. i blocked him. wow. it's really over.


    am i a bad person for this? i mean i wasn't being sweet to him. not rude, but he turned it around on me to make it seem like i left him this time. because i wouldn't take him back.


    he emailed me this after i blocked him : "Can't take care of me can u. I told u. U can't handle it. Then y lie bout lovin me."




    i emailed back saying this "yes i can take care of you. and i love you immensely with a big heart. but i can't be in a relationship like this. i need my freedom, i don't like the way things are with us. i feel like i was kept in so tight i was choking. i am done fighting and blaming you. no more drama. goodbye *********** "


    he emailed back saying "U dnt love me coz its so ez 4 u 2 let go. U dnt even want me ur a liar. N the real reason is u can't take care of me. That's y u can't stop a fight or calm me down. N u blocked me. Havin no guts 2 face pain in any form for u. Ur too afraid n u lost me. Well wen u dnt hav ur pride nemore u wnt hav nothing. U lost me. Dnt u dare email bak. Keep ur love 2 urself its just fake n tricked. U were a huge mistake. "


    make it stop

  3. april 3, 2009


    it has been almost a full day that i haven't spoken to him. although he is trying to make me message him on msn because his status says that he is out smoking weed (he stopped during more than half of our relationship). guess what, i won't message him . if he really wants it to be over he wouldn't even be online, especially not with that status that is OBVIOUSLY directed at me since he's done it before. plus he could have messaged me but he won't he's got too much pride. well now i am going to build up my pride again and i will not contact him! here's to better days.


    today i didn't feel so bad, i woke up tired, but in a good mood. i smiled a lot. i am trying not to let him get to me. and so far it has been working and it has been a good day. the only thing is i keep having these thoughts jump in my head with our past arguments...and the times he would cry to keep me....it is awful. i wish i could be with him but the relationship just was not working no matter what we did. i respect his decision to leave....and i am not going to put myself any lower than i have been before, by always begging to stay like a dog.

  4. i have to go NC....i will be starting tomorrow.

    this is going to be very difficult


    right now he is already not on my facebook. i just have to make sure i don't text him, or call him during the week, or go to try to see him. i have to keep my thoughts in my journal or on ENA, not say them to him. if i can do that and he doesn't contact me (he probably will but i am not sure) then maybe it can be done..

  5. i think your situation was a coincidence. pretty cool to think about, though. astrology is interesting.


    something that i've always found interesting is the number 27 in my relationship. here it goes.


    - my birthday is on january 27

    - my SO's birthday is on april 27

    - our anniversary, the night we got together, was on july 20, 2007, it was NOT planned for that night, the conversation just went that way. we only really realized it after a few weeks. in numercial terms the date would be 20-07-2007

    - when he firt came to see me, his bus platform was #27 (the platforms regularly change)

    - on our first date the pool table we got was #9 (2+7 =9)

    - the first time we ate a proper meal the bill came to $27 and some change

    - his best friend was murdered a couple months after i first met him, several months before we dated. his bestfriend's birthday was on january 27th as well. he keeps saying that isaac left his life, and i came in his.


    i don't have many thoughts on this apart from this stuff can REALLY trip you out.

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