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Posts posted by mutley001

  1. I think total disconnection can work at times, try a new hobby and spend time with people who you are close to. If the person creeps into your thoughts, do something you enjoy. Time is the best healer. It took me 2 years to get over my ex, one day i woke up and i was free from thier hold. Just keep your head up and remember-you are in control of your life!!!!

  2. Hello, I found this site by mistake, looking for help on a search engine. I hope someone has some decent advise for my problem. I have been with my partener for 8 months now and we are planning to move in together in september. It is my 2nd serious relationship and so far it has been very good. We have had our ups and downs, but on a whole we are very happy anf love each other profoundly.

    Recently I have been aving deep feelings of jealousy towards him. In general I am not a jealous person and am very secure. Basically, its as though he has(and had) everything I don't(and havn't).

    He really enjoys his course at uni and thrives from it, he is doing the same degree as me but i graduated last year. He is so popular and sought over, he achives highly and all the tutors give him so much praise and encouragement. I never had that, no-one ever told me they were proud of me and i had to convinse myself i was talented. I am findng it hard to find work in the proffession i have been trained into and he, i am sure, will.

    He has a big, close family and they are well off and have holidays and big cars etc. I come from a disfunctional, single parent family.

    I have worked for the past 6 years to support myself with uni, rent, bills, everything i own- i have worked for. He has everything paid for and i pay alot for him too and most of the time, its unnapreciated.

    I always feel 2nd best and when we socialze with friends he beams and has so much attention from everyone because of his looks and confidence.

    Its as if he has everything i always dreamed of and never had and itss being rubbed in my face.

    I have never been jealous before, this is why its so confusing. I have always been proud of my bacground and my independance but recently i am starting to resent him because i feel like 'why him'. Why should he be so happy and receive all the time.

    If anyone has any advise or shares the same feelings, i would love to hear from you. Thanks x

    I don't know if/how i should talk to him about it and why i feel this resentment. E

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