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Posts posted by randmanq

  1. Maybe he came in contact with this girl? And it brought everything back. I know sometimes I can change my mind like that. Being cheated on is the worst thing ever, maybe confront him and ask him what you did wrong? And why he's having problems commiting to you. Maybe he rushed into something he thought he wanted, but it came clear he needs something different.

  2. Hmm, it's probaly been a month since the break up with my old girlfriend sam. We went out for almost a year. We spent so much time together, I never knew a stupid kid like me could ever get a perfect girl like that, or even be that happy. I thought I was doing ok, until probaly about a week ago. I saw her at this battle of the bands thing in town, and ever since then I couldn't stop feeling empty. I've cried to many times now, I am as I write this right now. Every single memory is being replayed in my mind over and over again and I can't even get out of the house anymore, my social life is pretty much gone.... all I do now is sit in my bedroom listening to music and thinking of her. And the worst part is.. is that I am with someone else too. She is away right now so she doesn't know. She's a great girl and I like her too but I just want to move on. Sam is so much better, she probaly doesn't even think of me anymore. I often think of suicide now, she was my everything and it all got tooken away and now I have nothing. My friends are all away so I practicaly have no one to run to right now. I just want this feeling to go away, and never come back.

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