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  1. I really don't know what to say or where to start. But I guess the beginning is the best place. I have been dating my current gf for almost 8 months now. We are in love and I never have questioned that. Previous to our relationship, my gf was involved with someone else for 5 years. Things were broken off between the two of them on somewhat good terms and a break up that couldn't necissarily be explained by much other than two people heading in different directions and not knowing anything other than each other. During our relationship her x-bf made things a living hell. He would consistantly hurt her and give her guilt trips whenever he missed her and felt he was the victim. It was easily a case of emotional and mental abuse. In the past month her and I have moved in together and things could not have been better. Recently he has seemed as though he is starting to move on and genuinly accept that she is involved with me now. However, this also comes hand in hand with him moving out of the state, 3 or so hours away. Since his move, she has missed him more than ever. And I have recently found out that she not only misses him in her life, but also their relationship. Its has been three weeks since he moved, and there has definitely been a decrease in the amount of time she was happy. Not to mention that as a result of her being in this state, we have begun to have arguments over the stupidest things. She insists that nothing is wrong, and does not know that I am aware of why she is upset. I don't know what to do. If this is just something that she needs time to accept, I don't want to bring it up and cause more problems between us. However, I have the knowledge that my gf misses being with someone else, how do I hide my pain? She says that she is happy with me, and that she isn't going anywhere, but that is hard to accept with the other conditions. I don't know what to think or do, this is a lot for me to handle. Any advice is welcome.
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