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Posts posted by aftermath

  1. I've been married three months, a month of which was spent on honeymoon. Since we got back from the honeymoon I have been really depressed and can't seem to shake it, even though I love my husband. I feel like there are no milestones to look forward to any more, except having a baby, which I know we're not ready for yet. Does anyone have any advice?

    cry: I think planning a wedding & the honeymoon was your life for quite some time, and now the party has ended. Kinda like hitting a brick wall. Maybe your mother feels the same way; maybe pulling closer together you can both climb out of it.

  2. Be nice to yourself! I don't want you to hurt yourself! Yep! We're all alone. Isn't it kind of bazaar, with as populated as this planet is. Picture this: a very, very long line of people. They each have a sign with alone #1, alone #2, alone#3......So, all we really have to do is make any connection between them and then we can happily put them in the not alone line. For some reason we choose to believe that this is some impossible leap to take and the world must end for us. I say let's slap our faces, wake up, and see that "we are really not alone, we only need to make some connections". Give it time. We made a fresh start by sharing and expressing our thoughts on this site. Life is full of unpredicable weather, but from our suffering we learn to truly appreciate the beauty in life.

  3. It is so easy to relate to your message. For me, I let the actions of others put me in this state, are you doing this??? I really don't "Stick up for myself". If you don't you get swallowed up and hurt very badly. When I feel like this I need to snap out of it and realize: We are individuals traveling through life, and we need to explore all the world around us, focus less on distruction (suiside). Instead of hurting ourself, look at our hands and explore what they are capible of. If we are not disabled in anyway, we are very lucky people, count other blessings you have. Visit places of less fortunate people and ask if you can help in anyway, your assets and appreciation for your life will change. Nutrition is always a factoring part of how I feel, do you have any vitamin deficiencies. Above all, get a good book from the library or bookstore on communication skills, although your message written was communcated well, and I just don't think you know how valuable of a person you are yet. You have just given all these replying people a sense of self-worth. I feel better just knowing this site is here, for now. As you said, your not alone, depression is plentiful. Let's get tough and climb out of it together. Just writing this has helped me. I am very "alone", but we are all here "together"; brings happiness to my dismal life.

  4. My American daughter and her now Russian husband had announced that they would be eloping and told parents on both sides that they were not allowed to come. The groom-to-be informed his mother and left her screaming and crying from the balcony of their home. They told my husband and I and we were also very hurt, but realizing we had no choice and out of love for our daughter we accepted it. Immedieatly following her marriage she informed me she wanted to have his immediate family over to meet us, she wanted to humiliate them, as they live in an apartment and do not own a home and she doesn't care for her. This was very upsetting to me to know she'd do this to someone elses mother. They both then wanted to have a reception, we tried to postpone it to pull some money together, but they wanted it NOW. Experienced at wedding cakes, I baked a two-teir, three layer cake and prepared and bought various buffet dishes to put together a reception to her specifications. After arriving to her home (delivering the food to the 3rd floor), where they wanted the reception, her husband told me there was too much food, his mother was bringing food so mine would have to go. I chose to ignore his harsh words and unpacked the food as quickly as possible. To my suprize, his mother had also brought in a great deal of food. The ice my food had been tranported in dribbled on the carpet, and he flipped out scolding me like a child, fanning his finger in the air. It was a very uncomfortable situation to be in, as not only had they excluded everyone from the wedding, but there was also language and culture barriers. His family sat at one table and ours at another, and her brother didn't show up 'til everyone was leaving. As I sat their I began to feel very sick to my stomach, as she said she didn't want to cut the cake, and people were starting to leave, I left as well. After returning home,approx. an hour drive, I called her and she didn't really care how her husband had spoke to me. She seemed to take pleasure in it, which was the final blow, leaving me first hurt, then angry. I kept returning calls, but she refused to pick up the phone...a week has now past. She has cut off communication. Aside from the disrespectfulness in this marriage, we got a call from her apartment manager before their marriage, saying that they think he's abusing her. She has denied it though, but mentioned the police had been there because one of there fights were so loud. And, yes, we did spoil her rotten with love and attention. Would love to hear what you would do????? : mad:

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