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Everything posted by Hotjava

  1. Im invloved in a long distance (international) relationship. We have to spend long periods of time apart. The last time I was with her on my last trip we had a very good time. Till the last night. That day was great we spent it with her family. That night when we were along she became very silent and very inverted. She would not interact with me and was very cold. All I could get out of her was that she felt bad about my leaving again. In the morning on the wat to the airport she was fine but still a little inverted. After I got hom started our usual chats everything was normal again. We are currently waiting on INS for fiance status for her. With sept 11th and things the paper work has been slow. Last night she became silent on line right after she asked me a question I could not answer about the immigration. I found the answer for her but I just didnt have the answer right away. She still reamined very silent. I called her today and she is acting like the time from when I had to leaver on the phone. She says that she just has a feeling and she cant descibe it. But she is very distant. Her friend told me that she is just nervious and she will come around. Im just wondering about all the silent treatment she gives me like this. I mean If I say I Love you she normaly responds with the same reply. But at the moment she does not respond when I say it. However, If I ask are we okay she simply says yes and if I ask do you love me she simply says yes. At times she use to say it to me out of the blue. But at the moment she holds back. and the chat get silent. I am just worried about the silent treatment. Anybody have any advice?
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