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Posts posted by TheOneAndOnly

  1. Well, I finally talked to her tonight. I picked her up from work and we were driving around. I just flat out said it to her.


    "Genna, look, I heard what you said to Joe over the phone how you missed him and it really is eating away at me inside. I worry everytime the phone rings in your bedroom if its going to be him or not and everytime you say your going to hang out with your friends I get scared that your going to hang out with him. You consider him your friend but, he is more than a friend as far as Im concerned. I have a problem with this issue and I need to know what your going to do about it because I cant take anymore."


    She says : "So your going to make me choose? Thats wrong. Why!? Why do I have to choose?"


    I say : "Im not making you choose over anyone, but I want to hear what you have to say about it. Look, Im telling you that this is really hurting me and I want to hear what your going to do about it."


    She says : "I should have never told you I slept with him!"


    I say : "Im glad you were honest enough to come up to me and tell me rather than hide it behind my back. But, its said and done and its killing me."


    She says : "So its like, you or him right? If I cant have a friend and a boyfriend then I dont want neither. Im not going to choose because thats wrong."


    I say : "I dont want you to choose between us..I just need to know if there is something you are going to do about it to make things better? Because if your not........."


    She says : "Then we cant be together right? Look, what happened with me and Joe is overwith. Its just a grain of sand....gone. He has a girlfriend now. I told him that I was getting back with you and that I loved you. I love you and I want to be the mother of your children some day and I want to be your wife when we get older."



    Well, we hugged and we kissed and we argued and hugged and finally kissed................


    She left home and I came home. I dont knmow whats going on myself. I dont know if we arent together or if we still are.

  2. Hello ladies and gentlmen. I havent been posting in these forums for a while. Let me explain where my relationship has gone.


    My girlfriend has not been affectionate towards me, didnt care to look into my eyes when I spoke to her, didnt give a crap when I cryed because I needed affection and love and sex.



    Shortly after she told me that she needed more excitement, I realized that no matter how affectionate I was or no matter how good she said I was in bed, the excitement she was asking for was something she had to get out of her system and I dont think it involved me. To this day she wont admit it. But, anyways, I decided that we needed to take a break. She strongly disagreed with it but I told her its either the break or a break-up.We both agreed to not sleep with anyone while on this "break". Well, after 4 to 5 days went by she calls my cell phone crying her eyes out because she needs affection, she needs me, yada yada yada....she loves me.I tell her to leave me alone. It still hasnt been long enough.


    Well, after 2 weeks went by, she calls me and I go over to her house. We kiss and hug and we start a new page. The day I came back to her, shes the most affectionate person I have ever seen. All over me, kissing me, wont take her eyes off me...I loved that. Thats what Ive been wanting for so long. Is affection. That thing that two people are supposed to share with each other. Damnit I missed it.


    People ............it lasted about two weeks. Now im here and its been already a month and some odd days.


    Anyways, she asked me out of the clear blue one day while Im driving....."did you do anything while we took our break?" I asked her the same question back right away. She said."do you think somethings are better left..unsaid?" I said, yep.....I think I do. Well, I saw this weird look in the center of her eyes. It looked like shame and guilt. This look was in her eyes for about a couple of days so I finally decided that I knew something was wrong or something happened while we took a break and I needed to know. She told me. She slept with this guy that she works with.....his names Joe. In fact I used to drop this guy off at his apartment complex when I would pick my lady up from work. So he knows me and he knew we were together. Well, I asked her why did she do that even after we told ourselves we wouldnt. She said that she needed affection bad and that when she called crying that day, she claims I said "we are over for good" so thats what she told Joe and sure enough she opened her legs. Well, It hurt to hear this...even though I never said it was over for good....I said "Its alright babe..I love you lets just drop it ok?"

    Well we dropped it.


    Last Night The phone rings and Im in her room. She answers the phone and she says "whats up B" I asked who it was .... she said "Joe" I got up that moment and said " Im going to get a glass of water. I got up and walked outside the bedroom. The door was cracked and I could hear the conversation. she says.. "Yeah, hes going to get a drink""Damnit, I miss you""you gonna be at work tommarow?" "Oh yeah! haha your off my bad"

    --I walk into the room with no drink-- I sit on the bed and stare at her--

    the convo continues-- "really? Ok...... Ok....... have sweet dreams.........

    ME TOO bye. My heart was pounding faster than hell. She said ME TOO. He probably said "I love you" to her or something.


    I sat there just speechless.....not saying a word. So she continues to do what she was doing before the phone wrang which was playing guitar. Well, tonight I was originally supposed to pick her up from work. She called and left a voicemail. "Hi baby, hey umm... My friend Cindy asked me if I wanted to kick it at her place tonight after work so Im going to go do that since I only have one last night I can really hang out. I need to spend time with my friends anyways. Some of my homies are going to be there too. Amber JOE Eica........I dont know I might not even go. Ill call you after I get off of work or later on and tell you whats going on.


    well people........does it SOUND LIKE IM GETTING CHEATED AND PLAYED ON OR WHAT!!!!!!!??


    Oh yeah...I havent heard from her yet and she got off at 11:30 its now 1:30am!


    This is my breaking point.


    Should I break it off and tell her "I cant let you play me like this anymore, im outa here.


    Should I sit her down and tell her its not going to work out if she keeps in touch with this guy she slept with...she claims to be just a friend even after!



    What should I do? I dont want to say its either him or me because she might still do it behind my back.

  3. Today is 4th of July. Happy 4th of July to everyone who celebrates it.


    : The Edge :


    My girlfriend and I are laying in bed, awake. We were both really horney before we went to lay down. And we both knew it. So we are laying down and I began to caress her back and shoulders. slowly I begin to move my way down her back. Around her hips. Grabbed her butt alittle, you know just squeezed it alittle bit. Then I began to masage her with one hand while my other hand goes in between her legs and gently brushes up against her (you know) and I tease her alittle. Use both hands on her shoulders and work my way down alittle bit. Anyways I go down to her (you know) and she whispers "baby, stop" So I said, whats wrong. She said " you are always just touching me there. you never take time to get me in the mood." I was at silence. I had just been rubbing her legs and feet and touching her everywhere for like 20 minutes. then she says " you have to get the woman to want you to touch her there." I said, so how am I supposed to do it. She said, "you used to do it before. Now your like cut to the point" after she said that, I said... "So how am I supposed to know if what im doing is doing anything for you." she says "just lear. try different things without touching there and make me want you to touch me there." Its like we are playing a game, thats what I think. I do everything for her and now I have to work to make her want to make love to me. She never initiates it anymore. She never starts the sexual precedure. The last time I just stopped asking or initiating it and I went without it for two weeks. I never used to have to initiate it. She always used to want me. I have to play the "touch her everywhere else on her body (so I can get horney) and she might give it to me or she might fall asleep. And then im frustrated for the rest of the night. It disappointed me when she said, "you should let me come to you." I should have told her " I did, but you didnt come to me for 2 weeks and if I hadnt have made a move, I probably still would be waiting." But I didnt.

    I never said that to her. Instead, I just shut my mouth and closed my eyes. So alittle while passes and shes brushing me with her feet down my legs and then she rappps one of her legs around me and stays at that position. I started to rub her stomach and didnt touch her down there at all but just around it. Trying to make her want me to touch her there. Playing the game. And right when I thought she was going to grab my neck or run her fingers threw my hair, she un-rapps her legg and turns around. So I keep playing the game and rubbing her back and legs. she keeps tossing and turnning. Trying to go to sleep, so I didnt say anything. Nothing happened that whole night.


    Well today after work...I went to her friends house to pick her up. We went and got jack n the box and I drove her home. She looked at me and said, you dont look happy with me. I told her, baby, I am happy with you. I have just been really horney lately and sexually frustrated. She said, "what am I supposed to do ___________, have sex with you in the car right now? I have 45 minutes until Ive got to be home. I said its not that baby, Its just what you said last night and how I try but nothing happened." Then she automatically got defensive and said 'Damnit, another sex issue. " She gets mad and says, " Im not arguing right now, and she shuts my car door right before I tell her I said "dont shut the car door" and she did. So I just drove off.


    Im on the edge. I love her but I dont think she has the same feelings for me. Out of all these games shes trying to play and all of the bullshit. I mean, cmon. what does it take to get laid 2wice a week? Is it not normal for her to not initiate the sex as well?

  4. Lots of great advice im getting so far on this subject. We have done role playing. One time she dressed up in a skimpy skirt and wore glasses and put her hair up in pig tails like a school girl. Then she did the aggressive cheetah and wore a cheetah thong and painted whiskers on her face. It was really fun. Ive done the Elvis impersonator, and a policeman. Im running out of ideas but I have some coming to me. I havent ever blindfolded her yet. I read in an article that if you blindfold each other before having sex, you have to go by the sense and touch as far as making love goes. and you cant see what your doing so it makes it 10 times better to go by feel. I am alittle nervous about the 2 guys and my girlfriend. I mean, yeah it would be awesome to see her enjoy it....but at the same time...I would be scared that maybee she would like him too much. So it would have to be a one timer thing, you know what Im saying? Just once and thats it.


    Well, Im totally cool with the 2 woman and me idea. That is like every guys fantasy. But then again, she says she never has touched a woman. She says shes not Bi sexual and shes not lesbian.....but she is just curious. So, shes alittle iffy about the whole thing. We have the right girl to do it. Shes Bi and she would probably say "yes" to it if we went up to her as a couplle and explained to her that we wanted to try something new with each other and we needed an extra person. Im just hoping my lady says yes.

  5. Well, after having sex, we both talked. She told me, that she wants to try something new together as a couple. I was open ears. We talked about toys, and also about role playing, but we have done most of that. To my surprise, she says.... "baby, I always wanted to have another girl touch me while I touch you." My mouth dropped. She actually wants to have a 3 some. 2 girls and one guy (me) of course. Then, she asked me howd I feel about 2 guys and one girl (her). Meaning that I have to find one of my friends. She says she wants that old feeling (the hunt) back. She wants to touch someone for the first time. And explore someone elses body. I asked her out of all of my friends, which one would you like to participate if I asked them.... She said immediately... My friend James. Who has met her once. Yeah, hes good looking but it just hurt to know that she wants one of my friends to screw her. I said, wouldnt that b e alittle disturbing to know that my girlfriends moaning in pleasure because m,y friend is pounding her? She said the same with another woman and me. So we both are like confused now. She says she doesnt know what she wants. Well, earlier this morning.....we were talking and somewhere along the conversation she said that "its boring" It really hurt and now I think that all she wants is another dick. And the whole first time thing. Well, guys like me who care about a woman and give her everything only come around very seldom...so if thats what she wants...even though she wont admit it...what should I do?

  6. Well, today she called me and we went to have lunch together. We were chit-chatting with each other. She said something about her managers staying on the clock to go home and have sex and then coming back to work. We both laughed, I said "Thats wrong, every employee should be able to go home and have sex while still on the clock" She laughed and she said " Ya huh, I should be able to go home for an hour." we both smiled and just looked at each other. I dont know how it came up but one way or another, she said "You damn European Horn Dogs" (Im european.)

    I laughed and said "Hell yeah! Europeans have to maintain a healthy sex life too." She said " Well I cant help you there." We paused for a moment, and I asked her to repeat what she just said because I was trying to hear her right. She said " Im starting my period and I work the next 3 days." So I was like "oh, its cool." Well, lets cut down to the point. Right before I left she sat on my lap and we made out for about a minute. after we were done kissing, I hugged her and I said " I want you baby." And she said " I want you too."


    With that, we both said goodbye and she left back to work and i came home.


    So she has told me that she wants me too which indicates to me that she still wants to have sex with me. But, the whole " I cant help you there" phrase really made me feel, weird inside. Im not mad or anything, but she didnt have to say I cant help you there. She could have just said, Im starting my period and I work alot or something. Oh! She also asked me if I would seek different resources to take care of it. Meaning, would I go cheat on her. I said of course not. I can wait.


    Whadda ya guys think?

  7. Well, me and my girlfriend have been going out for 8 months and we used to have sex like everyday. not more than once a day but everytime we saw each other. The third month, it narrowed down to every other day that we saw each other. Then it narrowed down to once a week. Well, now its the 8th month and its been 12 days. Somethings wrong and I have a gut feeling. She says, "when do we ever have time to do it?" because she works alot and I do to. When we see each other now we are always going over to her friend house to party or something and then we get to my house at like 2am and we have time. But,yet, nothing happens. This one time she teased me in the shower when we took one. She got down on her knees and proceeded. Then she just got back up not even less then a minute and stopped. And that was it. Then she got ready and went home. I have alot of shit going threw my head. I need sex at least 3 times a week. And shes not giving me it so what should I do? Now remember, if I say " Whats the problem Genna, why havent we had sex in a while?" shes going to say either, "Omg! Here we go again with the sex issue" or "When do we have time?"

  8. Hello everyone in the forums, Im TheOneAndOnly and Im glad that they make a site where you can talk to people to get advice. I need some help.


    I have been going out with my girlfriend for 8 months. We always found so much in common by us that we keep falling in love. Well, as the months went by.....


    -- That amazing connection between us started to fade. She has lots of guy friends. And I know and approve on most of em but there are a few that I dont know about. Im a very reciprical person so I intend to treat people the way I want to be treated. Well, she hasnt been herself ever since she got a job in a big place with lots of people here in las vegas. And I noticed that she has lost sexual interest in me completely down to the point where I dont know what I did wrong. I tried to talk to her about it and she tells me I make things complicated. I try to do sexxy things but she always says shes tired. And she says, "we never have time to do that" and she spends the night at my house, nothing happens. She talks to allot of guys where she works and she tells me that she hangs out with them. And when I go out with her now, when we are together she tries to be more like my friend. I need to know what to do.


    Is she cheating?

    Is something wrong with me?

    Advice on the cheating situation please.

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