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Everything posted by jb666

  1. Thanks Fleecy... That just verified what I already thought. (I guess I was hoping for some miracle answer. .. : ) I am 21 and she is 18... I have had a few pretty serious relationships before, but she hasn't experienced this before and is constantly questioning herself about "falling out of love" with me... Last night she told me that this worrying is herself preparing for our relationship to fail. I want her to take it one day at a time... but every time I even try and talk about our relationship to her she simply says "I don't want to think.. " and won't talk. I love her so much, but this is starting to hurt me all this questioning. I don't know how much longer I can take it. I think she just may be too young to be able to get into a serious relationship, however much she thinks she wants it.
  2. Hello everyone.. Here is my dilemma: I am in love with a girl.. We have been together for about 5 months. We have lost the initial joy of the relationship.. We love eachother very much. The sight of eachother used to make us both very happy.. .Now it doesnt do much unless we are away from eachother for awhile. She is also very depressed these days. What can I do to make the original happiness return?
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