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Posts posted by KiNd_20

  1. Try and think of things this way... How would you feel if you introduced your girlfriend to your best friend and then she dumped you for him?


    I think if you are not interested in your girlfriend anymore, then break up with her, but whatever you do... stay away from her friend. That will not only ruin any chance of you two staying friends, it will ruin their friendship as well. Is it really worth that?

  2. if he is going to ask you to marry him, i wouldn't set the date quite yet. my sister was madly in love with a guy for 4 years and they were engaged young... and it didn't work out. as for my own experiances... you learn SO MUCH in those few years. i'm not trying to sound old or wiser, but i did learn so much and i grew so much in the past 4 years. (i'm 20 now)


    besides, if he is going to ask you to marry him... it is for FOREVER. there's no rush.

  3. it's very good of you to care so much for her even when things can be bad between you two. because she is scared about being pregnant, make sure she kows you're there and interested in being there and knowing if she is pregnant or not.


    when she takes the test, be there or tell her to let you know what the results are. then, if she isn't, relax and try to work out your other problems. if she is, then make sure she knows she's not alone by spending time with her. it will more then likely be on her mind 24/7... literally... so be there for her as much as you can... especially at first. then talk things over with her and make sure she knows you plan on being there throughout everything. the main things you have to do are be there and tell her that you will be there no matter what. if you keep up with this, she will feel a lot better i'm sure.

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