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Everything posted by babygirl65

  1. I'm going to get a prgnancy test in about one week. But the thing i need to kno is how in the heck am I supposed to tell my parents? What will they say? How will they respond? Will they let me keep living here? And what about my b/f. How is he gonna respond. What happens if he leaves me? What happens if im a single fourteen year old mother? What about school, my friends, my social life? Is it all gone? All because of this one mistake? Could this one mistake make me loose the best things in my life? but on the other hand look what i could possibly be gaining!
  2. No I havent taken a preganancy test! HELP!!!
  3. I kno you are probably saying 14 and preganant? How dumb is she? Well... me and my boyfriend decided we wanted to loose our virginity together, so we did. The bad thing about this is we had sex w/o a condom. And now I am about a week or 2 late. I have been eating more then usual lately and also being tired alot more. I dont kno what to do... what are some symptoms of being pregnant? How could i tell my parents if i was. I kno i got myself into this mess, but I'm just feel like I am in this alone and I have nobody to talk to about it. Expecially not my parents, they would go crazy!!!
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