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Posts posted by Scoe141

  1. I know, the whole yeah, you guys are on your own thing was upsetting. I bought the book, because I'm sure it tells much more of the story. Now I just have to find time to read it...


    Book review when you're finished? Or perhaps a thumbs up or down will suffice.

  2. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.


    Wow, that one would be worth seeing in the theaters and it made me understand what went down there, really. Even though the CIA says certain things don't happen the book the film is based on, and the men who were there, say yes it did happen pretty much like that.


    It makes me realize how silly our little problems are, they had to survive the world literally exploding around them out of nowhere. Incredible.


    Funny, I just watched this too. Great film. I was so upset that they couldn't get more support.

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