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Everything posted by Maggi1607306443

  1. Thanks a lot. Thats really nice of you. I might take you up on that offer some time. I'm glad some one understands.
  2. Thanks guys. I guess your right. If I did die I not sure my parents would be that happy. But it seems sometimes nobody cares at all. And sometims I don't think my friends do either. I'm moving at the end of this school year, and I have one friend who doesnt seem to mind at all. Then again, she has done some pretty mean things to me of late, and I'm questioning her friendship.
  3. Thanks a lot. Sometimes I just need to be told to get up and do something. So I did. After coming home from horseback ridding lessons I took a mile and a half jog on my tredmill. I've been having a crappy day, so thanks for repling. I needed to hear something from some one other then my best friend, who even if I was 100 pounds over weight would tell me I was skinny and should eat more Sometimes it's better to hear things from some one you don'y really know. You know it good advise.
  4. I hate myself. I alwas feel stupid and fat and ugly. I wish some one would kill me. I don't want to sound like a brat, but I hate my life. I have never had a real relationship (I almost did once, exept for the fact that after about a week with this one guy I stared to sidlike him greatly). I will be moving at the end of the school year, and I don't think any one cares. The guy I like may just hate me because I told him that I had a bit of a thing for him. I just feel like my life is messed up. I try to think about people who have less then me, but it's hard when I never see any one like that at school. I hard to think of other people when there several miles away. And everytime I say my life stinks to myself, I hate myself even more for being to selfish. [/b]
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