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Miss Firecracker

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Posts posted by Miss Firecracker

  1. Thank you Miss F! By the way, it's really good seeing your name pop up around here again.


    Thank you! I can stay away for a long time, but I always have to come see what all you guys are up to.


    Listening to this kid sing tonight, Aurora. Have you heard her?

  2. Hi there, just happened to read your latest comments and see how you were doing. I am so sorry about your mom. I have only read a few comments but will go back to the beginning and read it all.


    My older son was diagnosed with testicular cancer about the end of March and immediately had his testicle removed. He has been through a full round of chemo that began three weeks ago. Tomorrow he begins round two. I shaved his head this week because his hair began falling out. His chances are pretty good but we will always worry.


    My dad had prostate cancer years back and had it removed. His PSA count went up enough a couple of years ago that they did local radiation. He has to go back every six months. Right now it's just showing up in the blood tests but it is THERE. I hate cancer, both my sons have now had it. And it is just so hard to believe.


    You have my deepest sympathy, IAG!

  3. My very worst fear for my son is that one day after I'm gone he could end up homeless. The chances that autistic adults are going to be employed it is very slim. Of course we will try our very best to have him employed. But it is a very real possibility that he won't be. He's going to need a home and money to survive for the rest of his life. With out money and a home he could be living on the street. That idea just totally terrorizes me. My son has no family to take him after I am gone.


    That is my fear with my older, bipolar, ocd son. The younger one is guaranteed a government assisted group home, which almost scares me more than wondering about the other one being on the street. I hear some very unpleasant stories about assisted living homes. I feel all the things you do, and this is why I am trying so hard to keep myself healthy and outlive both my kids by just one day. :subdued:

  4. Hi Victoria,


    Just got the time to read your journal. I remember when I thought my younger autistic son could someday be ok. Then finally, at some point I realized I had been in denial all those years. So sorry you are having a hard time. You, Fudgie, and I all understand what it is like to lose someone while they still breathe. No way to explain to anyone, just no way.


    Hopefully your son will qualify for disability support. Mine has been getting a monthly check for seven years now. His disability is classified as one not expected to improve. He has low IQ, autism, and schizophrenia. But the rules here say even so, he will still be reviewed every seven years. People who are likely to improve are done every three years. My son's psychiatrist is really the only one they have to ask, and he will support us all the way. I am still feeling uneasy during the process. The doctor has mailed the records, and I did my papers. Oh, what fun! It wouldn't have been quite as bad if they hadn't made me do that in March and then again in October. Apparently they just threw my first one in the trash.


    Keep hanging in there, you are doing fine.

  5. Pulled up to my place after work today and Aaron was standing on the sidewalk beside my house. I told the person I was with to just keep driving. We drove around the block and waited for him to go away.


    He's scary. Did you defriend Aaron? I've decided I will never do that to anyone.


    link removed

  6. Why would anyone rate a journal thread with one star? That means "terrible." If you think this thread is terrible you don't have to come and read it, you know that right?




    Oh, that's sad, lol. I should go check mine. Last time I looked, there wasn't even one star on mine. So you've got me beat!

  7. To all the people who think all people who live my lifestyle are riddled with STDs... Just got my latest test back. I'm still STD free.


    I am happy to hear that!


    Hope you get to keep your home, Cynder. I think those memories will fade in time. Decorating, new paint and all will help.

  8. What to expect? my parents think boudoir photography will make me look cheap they think it is the same as glamour modelling


    This isn't anything you should discuss with your parents. I am probably their age and would think it's very silly. Old people just don't get that type of thing.

  9. Strange his roommate is inviting you. HE should do that. I don't believe I would go, Cynder. That is your Birthday, right? I'd probably just hang with family. I just don't think I could handle a big disappointment on a Birthday. What if Aaron isn't even there?


    Maybe let things cool off awhile until he contacts you again. But of course that is just what I would do.

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