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  1. I'm a 17 yr old transgendered female awaiting the time when i can be on testosterone. I've recently "came out" to my best friend, not only came out but told her that i like her, and have liked her since i've met her. I knew before i told her that nothing could happen between us because she's straight, i just felt like i needed to tell her. To my surprise, she didn't have a bad reaction, she actually didn't really have a reaction. She was just like "well, i would'nt of ever guessed" She has always been a sorta touchy person, you know, likes hugs and throws her arm around you a lot. But it seems like ever since i told her, she has gotten much more touchy with me. She flirts with me outrageously, and it's beginning to drive me crazy. Like the other night she spent the night at my house..in my bed...in my arms all night long... now we didn't do anything just were laying there. But whenever i bring it up, she cuts me off and tells me that i know nothing can happen. What's up with that? I enjoy it when she flirts with me, but it hurts at the same time.I've been debating avoiding her to see if it would help, but when i don't see her for a while, i get depressed. We act like a couple to everybody else (i've had a few people ask if we were) except for kissing and stuff, but usually couples don't do that infront of people anyway. Do you think she might feel something for me, and just is afraid to accept it? How could i find out, because she obivously doesn't like talking about it?
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