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Everything posted by LarryTwombly

  1. There is no such thing as too much masturbation. If your body can respond you are ready for more. Let your body give you all the pleasure it can.
  2. Your body is made to give you maximum pleasure. You should masturbate as much and as often as your body can respond to. When I began masturbating at age 3 my parents (God bless them) told me what I was doing is good for my body and I should do it all I could. One boy reported 22 orgasms in 24 hours. When I was 13 I was masturbating often during the day and several times at night. I still do it at least 3 times a day, often 5 or more. I can't seem to get enough of my cock. Don't let anyone judge you for what your body needs.
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