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Posts posted by raelynn9

  1. Well do you and your son have an open relationship. It sounds like he may like her or maybe he is a little ashamed to tell you they are going out. Also I hope he isn't smoking pot with her. I was a kid that age and I did it. I also was never home and never talked to my parents. The best advice I can tell you is to talk and be open not critical of your son. It will only push him away if your always trying to pick his friends for him. My mom did that to me and I HATED it. I hope everything is okay and wish you the best of luck!

  2. When you are pregnant there is what is called implantation bleeding which usually occurs about 2 weeks after implantation. You should look for other symptoms. Breast tenderness, headaches, frequency in urination, maybe ocasional blurred vission. extere fatigue. If you are concerned you should buy a home pregnancy test. Good luck and always be careful!

  3. Bryan,


    Life is hard and you go through many trial and tribulations. Just remember there is always more out there. You really should move on, she was a important part of your life, but it sounds like she has different perogitives in her life. You should let go but always remember the good times. Get out there and find someone new, who makes you even happier than she ever did. You sould like a nice guy so it should not be hard for you. You just have to let go of the ties that are holding you back in life. I wish you the best of luck, it may seem like a life time before you get over someone you really loved but it does take time. Soon you will find yourself thinking of them less often. I've been through it and it is hard.




  4. Okay here it goes...


    I am 19 and have been seeing this guy, he is 21, anyway I guess I have always been insecure. How do you know when a guy is serious and isn't just using you. Sometimes he is super sweet and loves to just kiss me and hold me, but other times we barely talk. I just don't know how he really feels. So if anybody has a clue to guys behavior let me know.




  5. Well I am the result of a marriage kept together for the kids and I do not reccomend it. You should do what makes yourself happiest. You should show your child what a good relationship it instead of staying together and being unhappy. In the long run your wife will end up happy with someone else. My parents divorced after 30 years of marriage and now my mom is 50 and unhappy and single too scared to get out in the dating world. So waiting and staying together can do more damaging than good. But you have to look at both sides, is this what you really want.

  6. I have been dating my best friends brother. We never officially declared our selves boyfriend and girlfriend, but we both really connected. But I am out of state for two months. I need tips on keeping the relationship alive while I am away. I really don't want to lose him. Any advice would be great. He doesn't have a computer or phone so communication is really hard.

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