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  1. Good day, Sorry for bringing back to life this old topic but I found it while searching google and read a bit of the posts on this forum, looks like an interesting place. But could you people that have "overcome" the over analyzing please give me some information of what have changed since you stopped over analyzing ? I have been over analyzing everything my entire life... it causes a lot of stress(why I did a search about over analyzing) but I don't believe its such a bad thing?? I am 21 and a law student almost finished with my law degree and one of the reasons I think I am so good( not to sound like a douche) with the law is because I over analyze everything and make sure everything is 100% correct. Which I do every second of the day I am just afraid if I do stop to over analyze everything I wont be as good as I currently am(again sorry don't want to sound like a douche) in my law career...
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