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Posts posted by Multivitamin

  1. Ok, ive become sort of a flirt. Many men especially at the work place flirt with me, so Ive had a fair share of practice.


    Now, when it comes to that person I like, I didnt know how else to show him i fancy him. So i flirt full blast. Excessive eye contact, grinning, the looks the smiles..everything. Very obvious too. But no, I dont approach them, or stalk them, its only when they come to me or pass by me is when I take the plunge.


    And for my bad luck, he gets embarrassed when I do that. He smiles happily (probably is flattered) but doesnt really flirt back. Very rarely.

    Most of the time, he has nothing to say. Even worse is when i start joking around, he gets all serious, and when i smile uncontrollably, he gets nervous, and walks off. And yet, I feel like he keeps coming to me with reasons to talk.


    ](*,) Strangely, Im too shy to ask, but not too shy to flirt. Do men as such enjoy this attention? Do you think this is whats happening here?

  2. aight, well than just ask him to do something with you!!! grab a coffee or something, go to a bar~


    I wouldn't worry about if he knows you like him or not, if he is shy, the only way that you will be able to break past that is to be assertive.. if he says he cant go or makes some lame excuse, than o well!! (just make sure you get your stuff back )


    yeah..but why is he being like that..i get sorta worried..from what Ive seen hes a really NICE guy who makes fun of everybody in an affectionate way.......like the office clown, except at everybodys cost.


    But this time its ME!!

  3. lol, I like the "What I really hope it isnt is that he thinks I like him..."


    Umm... he probably is just shy, how old are you? Because that will give me some ideas of what to do!!!


    haha..yeah .im 22, hes around 23 i guess...

  4. hey y'know I felt the same..EXACTLY the same..i couldnt sleep at night knowing I had to go in front of class anad talk..


    and then i did it. I didnt feel one bit nervous. I didnt care what people were looking at or what they thought of me. Afterall, it isnt like the're any better. And they had to do it too!!


    So just go for it. Keep telling yourself u dont give a bleep what they think.

    You're just talking or teaching them. The trick to it being successful is actually being calm and not what you say.


    Good luck.

  5. Okay so Ive been trying to talk to this guy I like...but he gets so weirdly shy or nervous or what I dont get it..


    Like yesterday, he came to borrow the scissors from me( he keeps borrowing stuff from me!!) and i said:

    " so uhm...when can i get my inventory report? and hes like Ill get them asap..and im like yeah Ok cool. THANKS a million! and i give him a broad smile(I smile a lot/too much with everyone)


    ..and from looking seriously at me through the convo, he gets all smiley (like a small laugh) and he quickly looks down, away and then says "Sure No problem " with a HUUUGE grin...and slowly walks away. WHAT????


    Im assuming thats due to shyness. I could be wrong. WHat I really hope it isnt..is that he thinks im a pyscho or that I like him, and he laughs about it behind my back with his friends....


    What do you guys think?? No, i didnt have anything stuck in my teeth, he's doing this a lot with me.

  6. Okay, lots n lots of people have recommended i take acne for my never ending acne.


    So what exactly is it? Is it anything like neutrogena? I heard its 3 bottles, and its some system...someone can you please explain in simple terms??


    and where can i get it..i cant seem to find it in drug stores or the mall.


    and opinions on proactiv...have you tried it? has it worked for you?



  7. uh...er...sometimes i do. The thing is I act a bit odd around him...cant help it.

    At times, i get all smiley and over enthusiastic/excited. Other times, Im just bored and indifferent/stressed out.


    And we talk a lot about work. Even if the topic of conversation is why printing papers are white not green, we'll make it sound like we're discussing corporate strategies that will cost us millions. Pretty serious, no smiling. Mostly because I dont want to give too much away...heh

    Ive seen him sneak a smile once or twice through the conversation. Almost like hes controlling his laughter.


    I find it extremely funny actually (laugh after he leaves). I dont know even know what exactly we're doing and why.

  8. Do you know this person? If so, how, what's the relationship?


    Strangers sometimes grin at me when I walk past them but that can often be attributed to my top hat and wig.



    Yes mostly because hes we work for the same organisation, on different levels, and I have a huge crush on him...hopefully he doesnt know it.

  9. Do we to take it as a good sign if a person gets a huge smile on his face whenever they see you? Not necessarily smiling AT you but a smile in general.


    It could be when you're busy doing something, or talking to someone else, or eating or shopping or reading and he spots you from far off, or hes walking by and notices you and immediately gets this big grin on his face.

    And its not like hes smiling at YOU either. Hes just grinning to himself whenever he sees you. Like he just heard a funny joke.


    Now my theories are:

    1. He finds it funny or amusing that I act a bit different/get conscious on his arrival.

    2. He finds something funny about me, theres a joke I dont know...and he cant help himself but remember it everytime he sees me-which is bad news!

    3. He gets happy when he sees me because he likes me...which is rather silly.

    4. Hes trying to flirt with me, which is rather lame.

    5. ???


    So Which one is it? Whos guilty of doing this here? Explain yourselves!

  10. do you know what his personal status is?


    if i had to guess i would say he is either involved and dosnt know how to let you down (or involved, likes you and dosnt really know what to do). or he could allways just be interested


    do you see this person regularly? do you feel any urgency to make a move?

    if you see him regularly you could allways just give it time. you could also just ask him out and get it over with one way or another instead.


    you havnt mentioned anything that might make me believe you have something to loose (if you work with him for instance things can allways get messy).


    rejection sucks (especialy if you've never hit on guy directly before) but its better then sitting their wondering if something is gonna happen or not.


    my 2c anyway


    Im sure he isnt involved....but hes a "nice guy", and it can be really sort of leading on or confusing, because you cant tell if hes being nice to me because i like him, and he wants to me continue; or if he actually likes me.


    wow, that sure is confusing!

  11. but how do i start a conversation. what do i talk about. Sorry if i sound stupid or what, this is my first time approaching a girl.


    I think you should find a reason to talk to her, maybe borrow something, or ask her a work related question and go from there...


    Like...hi..do you know where i can find MR. so and so, Ive been looking eveywhere for him.


    Or Can i borrow your stapler for a second, i think someone stole mine!


    or the adult way " Hi, im xxx, how are you? i dont think we have been introduced. i work in --- department. Hows work going so far?"

  12. A generally talkative, extrovertish guy gets incredibly shy around a girl. When I mean shy, I mean blush every minute around her, cant seem to keep eye contact, and either stares at her with a smile or gets so embarrassed he cant look up at her.


    Meanwhile, she flirts, smiles, gives him the eye a lot, and is basically showing every body language sign in the book that shes interested.

    So Basically, HE KNOWS that this girl likes him.


    What are the chances that he would be getting shy JUST because he knows that she fancies him; and not because he likes her back?

    especially, if he hasnt had much experience with female attention?


    How often does that happen?

  13. Yeah, he likes you. I'd say you should ask him out.


    seriously?? wow, but I thought the fact that he wasnt looking back directly at me but instead grinning about the fact that I was looking at him made me feel like hes enjoying my attention, in an ego boosting way.


    Which would be mean, and make me a joke.

    But yeah, he does it a lot.

  14. Whenever I see any person I know anywhere, im not the kind to usually stare, but I do sort of look at the person for atleast 5 seconds, checking to see if he or she'll look back so i can smile or say hi!..(its a habit). If they dont, I just look away.


    Now, with this guy I sort of have a thing for, I guess I do it everytime.

    The other day I saw him in the grocery store. Was standing at the bakery section, and about 10 feet away, I see him walking by and looking straight ahead in his direction.

    So I end up looking at him..(Thinking -oh my god its him!! and then just wondering if he'll look my way so that i can say hi or something- which goes on for 5 seconds).


    So this guy, slightly turns his head (probably because he senses someone watching him) and just before his eyes reach me, he figures out its me..(from the corner of his eye) looks straight back ahead and gets a big smile/grin.


    He does this a lot Ive noticed..and that would mean I'm subconsciously looking at him more, even though im not really "checking him out".

    So am I being a source of amusement for this fellow because he is generally quite shy around me too?

  15. Yesterday was my birthday!! I was at work..

    So I distributed cake to Everyone i knew....and all of them called me/emailed me to wish me. I sent it to the guy I have a thing for too..


    Anyways, a while later, this guy walks all the way to my desk, looks at me with a straight face (no hi, hello) and gives me an invoice to sign. It isnt even his job!!! Usually another guy comes with 40-50 invoices at once, this guy comes with 1 invoice!.


    So i look at it puzzled, but I go ahead and sign....and then I hear him say

    "happy birthday.."

    im like..hey thanks! Give him the invoice back. He gets the biiiigest smile, and walks off.


    I think Shyness and weirdness are closely linked!!

  16. Oh, ok. Well, why don't you just ask him out? I know it's probably a nerve-wracking thought, but guys have to go through it all the time. If they can handle it, surely we gals can!


    Hmm....i want to make sure Im reading the signs right. I mean its really awkward going and asking him out, if he has clearly been "not showing any interest" or discouraging..and i was just too disillusioned to notice.

  17. I 've had this really bad crush on a guy I know for the longest time.

    Its like I make it REALLY obvious I like him (on purpose), and keep flirting with him every chance I get.


    And This is what Ive noticed...he becomes VERY serious around me, and keeps talking about something with a straight face, despite me cracking a joke or smiling too hard.


    The only good sign is that He is the one who keeps coming to me...Its always him approaching me with some weird thing he wants, or something he needs to ask. And when I flirt really blatantly out of desperation or frustration (like stare into his eyes), he either winks or nods with a straight face or grins really hard.


    SO i dont KNOW if my flirting is getting anywhere. Besides, there are times when I go upto him, and he cant seem to even look up at my face. (he'll be smiling and looking shyly down or somewhere else and talking to me).


    So do you think he might like me? I cant quite read him, Im sure he enjoys my attention. I cannot for the love of God get myself to Ask him, especially if the signs show otherwise.

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