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Posts posted by FirstLook

  1. The moment I saw your name on the screen

    there was something unique about it

    I went and got myself acquainted with u

    Of course u didn't know who I was.

    I myself was new- just looking to make friends.

    U kindly helped me out and kept me in company.

    My first impression I was so childish,

    U probably thought I was a lunatic.

    Yes, I can be sometimes

    but that was just a little of the wild side in me.


    As the days and months had passed

    U wondered where I went

    I was too busy--

    Well the responsible part of me

    was taking care of real business

    which first u didn't believe.

    Well, now u had known me better

    the opposite personality.


    Surprisingly, u came to me again

    U told me u had "Missed Me"

    for some reason I was confused

    Why was my heart beating

    faster than normally.


    Now it's your turn to leave

    I didn't see ur name

    I sent u messages

    but u were not there to return them

    I sent u a message that I miss u very much too.


    Do what u have to do

    But don't forget

    U have me here waiting for u.

    Now I know the feeling

    of missing someone dear to u.

  2. We, human beings are born on earth, under the same sky, under the same sunlight and moonbeam, Why do we have different destinies!


    Children of the poor have no money to buy books and go to school, Children of the rich go to study abroad. Those with dollars are winners and those with empty stomachs are losers. Court clerks and judges swindle. Where is Justice!


    Anarchic society with dictatorship, injustice, market dwellers, gambling, nepotism and gangsters, No respect for law, fighting, killing each other, causing misery and suffering. How long will I survive!


    Dirty society, bribery and dollars rule; cheating people out of property, people cry out. The bad ones enjoy beautiful villas while powerful figures sit down, cross legged and relaxed! No compassion, no sentiment, farmers with no land, peasants with no crops like off-season flowers.


    While peasants’ hands are picking fish paste , powerful figures gamble big hands in casinos. How long will I survive!


    A poem by Mam Sonando

  3. If I could have just one wish. It would be to turn back time. To go back into the lonely past. To the days when you were mine. If I could have just one wish. It would be to be with you. Because I know that in my heart. My love is forever true. If I could have just one wish. It would be to be in your arms. To have you hold me, touch me; kiss me. To keep me out of harm. If I could have just one wish. The future is what I would see. So I could know if someday soon. You would be with me. If I could have just one wish. I would be able to read people's minds. So I could hear your hopes, your fears. And hear what's going on inside. If I could have just one wish is to be with you.

  4. I sure will ask her for a date..!

    You think your in love with her and you've not even dated her ?


    You don't love her, you fancy her, your attracted to her. Be a man and just ask her for a date. we all have to do it. Just do it. But don't MENTION the "L" love

  5. Guys, which are you more comfortable with? Approaching her in real life or online?


    As for me, I'm more of the go get out type of guy in real life. It just natural to me to find a girl that sparks my interest when I see her in flesh. To go up to her even if she surrounding by many of her friends, I just love that feelings. And I dont care if I get rejected, at least I tried. LIke in baseball You have to swing to hit. lol


    And ladies, how would like to to be approach? Online or real life?

  6. My believed that.., only girls with low interest(love) gives mix signals. Again and again, never take them personally. Roll with the punches and when they corner you with a serious question, you counter with some funny. For example, "honey how much do you love me" you answered, "what are you talking about" or "as much as I love my car" haha



    Pointless to ask these types of questions. Women are the way they are, this is the way they were made and there's nothing thatanyone can do to change them.


    But what you can do is learn what's really going on in a woman's head and act accordingly. Like when a girl tests me, I understand that she has a good reason to do so. So many guys out there lie in order to get what they want, so girl's have to come up with other ways to figure out if a guy is being for real. If you react right, then you're set.


    Women can be confusing, but you can figure it out and once you got it, then you're all set. Read between the lines and never be afriad to stick up for yourself and if something fishy is going on, don't hesitate to call her out on it.

  7. =D> that's a good one..! I like your expression "Think carefully about what you're saying. To me, that says I will never ever ever ever ever send you flowers for v-day. Is that what you want?"




    Haha Jayar. Yeah I was telling my gf the same thing last night. That she needs to say things as directly as possible because I'm a guy, adn I'm dumb. I need things to be spelled out to me.


    For instance, she said "Oh you don't need to send me flowers for valentines day."


    So I said "Think carefully about what you're saying. To me, that says I will never ever ever ever ever send you flowers for v-day. Is that what you want?"


    "No. Send me flowers."

  8. Why are women so indirect in what they want? They can ask you one thing and expect you to answer the opposite. Or they'll test you to see if you'll do the "right" thing as though we can read their mind.


    They can tell you one thing and mean the opposite, but sometimes they mean what they say. Who knows. Why do they want you to understand them but never make an effort for you to understand them? Why do they make things so complicated?

  9. Life is unpredictable with ups and downs and round and rounds, but life is what you make it, I know it’s harder then it sounds. I don’t know how many times I’ve given up hope then got back up and tired, or how many times I committed emotional suicide, and some how survived. Because love is lost and every time it comes around she gets chased off, I used to put up wanted posters, but now I can’t afford the cost. So now a day I think that people enter your life for reasons, from the one night stands to last loves that grow stronger over seasons. But only real love that I have is for my families in Cambodia, the only truth families and true best friend, none before them none to come. Living check-by-check, family problems, haters, and senseless fights, add fuel to all the stress I have that lead to sleepless nights. I smoking and drinking everyday to ease the pain or so it seems, Cuz once it puts my * * * to sleep out comes the nightmares in place of dreams. But honestly I can’t complain, ten fingers and toes and not really insane, my heart beats strong and I recognize beauty and I know some of you can’t say the same. So this is it, my thought of the day…!!

  10. If the only line between a child and an adult is the ability to take responsibility, then I fear the line is too thin. Many adults still do not admit to their faults and change. Although the saying is true in some sense, I think there is more to it than just responsibility. Unless you define responsibility broadly.


    It's been said that the line between childhood and adulthood is crossed when we move from saying "It got lost" to "I lost it." Indeed, being accountable - and understanding and accepting the role our choices play in the things that happen - are crucial signs of emotional and moral maturity. That's why responsibility is one of the main pillars of good character.
  11. hi southern girl,

    i'm southern guy, i just move to the state last year from kingdom of cambodia well i don't know, if i ask her out to soon, i might get reject and other hand might lost our friendship.. what do u think? I apologize guys for my poor english, still learning you know..](*,)



    Love is a wonderful feeling isn't it?


    Do you mean out on a date or do you mean the 'lets not see other people' talk?


    How soon is early?

  12. Well not long, I knew her about couple months. Yes, i want to ask her for a first date and so on..etc



    If you REALLY know her well enough to be "in love" with her, then you know her well enough to ask her out... And what do you mean by asking her out? like on a first date or do you mean the whole being exclusive to eachother talk?
  13. Yes, its true, the great hot sexy beast name FirstLook might be in love. But the problem is, FirstLook does not believe in asking the lady out too early. Do girls like to be asked out early as possible or would girls rather wait just to get to know the guy more?](*,)

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