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Posts posted by Cyprian

  1. How would it sound

    if you were a poem?

    Wouldn't it start

    with "You Are Home"?


    How would it look

    if you were art?

    A beautiful Goddess

    with a heavenly heart?


    If you were a song,

    could you be sung?

    Only angels could sing you

    in their mother tongue.


    If you were a place,

    would you be a beach?

    An ocean? A planet?

    Are you within reach?


    If you were my star,

    how bright would you shine?

    Would you twinkle for me?

    Make the planets align?


    If you were a grape

    ripening on a vine,

    Could I taste your flesh?

    Could I drink of your wine?


    If I could kiss you,

    what would I taste?

    Would all other flavors

    be slowly erased?


    If I could touch you,

    what would I feel?

    Something celestial?

    Something surreal?


    If I could have you,

    what would I do?

    I'd give you myself

    and always be true.

  2. Hey BB. Words are there to be interpreted, and meaning is given to the reader however they read it. The "ones" have multiple meanings for me. I didn't focus on "reborn" as much as I focused on "Without"...the word that comes up most...check link removed out.

  3. The main motivation for going over 'final conversations' etc. in the dumpee's mind is to look for chinks of hope, or wonder if you've 'left the door open'. Well it was in my case anyway; and all that is destructive. The door needs to be closed firmly, and moving on should be the order of the day. That's not to say that anyone on this thread who's thinking of breaking up shouldn't think carefully about 'that last conversation'...but if it's over it's over, and dwelling on final bits of contact, while inevitable, is best avoided.


    Well said my friend. I would add that my hope in creating this thread was that it would aid some people who have yet to have their final conversation. It was also created (maybe in a destructive fashion, as you put it) in the hopes that I would be able to have another "Final Conversation" with my ex. But as the days go on, I think that breaking NC to have another Final Conversation might do more harm than good. Still something that I cannot figure out, and no it is not simply an answer of "You're in NC, stay in it" or "You're just looking for excuses to talk to her." I'm passed those stages now. Thankfully.

  4. Without seeking, without looking, it finds me.

    A warmth that melts me into a living breathing puddle.

    Heart pounding, stomach tickling, head floating.

    Without one. One within reach. Two. I feel you close to me.



    The cycle repeats. Order, life.


    Without thinking, without planning, it snags.

    A weight pulls me down - a rock on the ground.

    Chest heaving, tears rolling, silent screams.

    Without one. One within reach. Lost. Where are you?



    The cycle repeats. Chaos, death.


    Without trying, without faking, it holds.

    A hand encloses mine and balance returns.

    Without one. One within reach. Reaching...

  5. Thanks. Here is my post about Castaneda (it never really took off Here are his 10 book series. If you do end up reading the books, don't get too into the debate on the authenticity of them. Just enjoy the stories and the meanings behind them...

  6. Sleep for me cannot yet be

    I need to stay awake and see

    the pictures of a true beauty

    who gently blows a kiss to me


    If you must; go rest your eyes

    I will gasp and moan my sighs

    of lust and love and sad goodbyes

    of neck and lips and breasts and thighs


    If you must; go rest your eyes

    I'll wait until the sun does rise

    which truly is what I despise

    darkening the Nighttime skies


    Just sleep and I will dream of you

    for now I'll simply say adieu

    I really think I do love you

    My Goddess of the skies.

  7. Each day is a nightmare for me. I cannot deal with this. I love her so much, and I miss her voice and her touch. Right now we are separated by thousands of miles, but soon she won't even be on this continent. When that time comes I know I am going to be so angry at myself that I didn't see her one last time while I had the chance...I NEED to see her! Can't I at least see her one last time? I love her so incredibly much...I am living in hell.

  8. Doesn't really matter if thats what happened to SuperDave because he is in a league of his own...a master of his own being and his love life, at a stage that if I can ever attain by the time I die, I will have accomplished a great feat.


    Saying this, I am interested in his answer too


    Dave, you truly are inspirational. Reading your posts have helped me tremendously...


    Although I am in horrible pain each day, and every day I want to call the ex, I stick to NC because of reading your posts, MajorD's posts, and FriscoDJ's words of wisdom (along with everyone else here at ENA). Without you guys I would still be calling her and crying on the phone, searching for answers that aren't there.


    Thanks Dave.

  9. They don't miss you if they have someone else already...a cushion...


    And silence cannot be interpreted? Hah! It could be interpreted as


    1) You hate them

    2) You are too scared to call them

    3) You are trying to make them feel bad

    4) You are trying NC in order to get them back

    5) You are too embaressed to call them

    6) You never really liked them and were only using them, and once you realized you couldn't have them anymore you stopped trying

    7) You found someone else

    8 ) You are dead

    9).....I could keep going...forever...


    The truth is that silence CAN and IS interpreted, and the only reason why I am sticking with NC is because a lack of words can be MIS-interpreted...so thereforeeee they will never be quite sure. Anyway, even if you give them the reasons why you are doing NC, it seems like NC is the only real option out there.

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