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Everything posted by Zales

  1. I'm in my late teens, and my S/O is significantly older. We're both very affectionate and sexual. We speak several times a day. We normally have sex or phone sex every day. Because of our schedules, we haven't done either in about a week. Two nights ago I rejected him for the first time ever in the five or so months we've been together. I was not at all in the mood, which is unheard of for me. The next day (yesterday), I was back to normal. We couldn't meet, but it was implied we would have phone sex that night. Around 11 PM, I was really in the mood. I desperately wanted to call him for assistance. However, my mother was due home from work at any minute. I didn't want to be interrupted, so instead I headed into the shower and took advantage of the shower head. When I came out, I told my S/O via text message that I'd just had two orgasms. His reply blew me away! "You better be kidding. I'm so done with this crap. Talk to you Monday." It was interspersed with curse words as interjections, not in reference to me. He's only cursed out of anger once before, so I knew he was fuming. He apologized about an hour later for cursing, but still felt the same way about the situation. "For masturbating?!" I replied. This was never an issue before. "It's been a week since we've been together. You turned me down yesterday. You said you weren't in the mood earlier, and then you get two in before mom gets home because later is a no go." I was fully intent on having phone sex later, and I told him. It didn't make a difference. His argument was essentially, "I waited for you. Couldn't you wait for me?" Was I inconsiderate? Was he being irrational? I personally think this is nothing to be upset over, although I do understand how he might've been upset by it, if that makes sense. What do you think? I'd appreciate your input!
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