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Everything posted by LOUVRE

  1. I've been in a transatlantic LDR for the last few months. We met on one of those online sites which is geared not only for romance but friendships as well. We finally met and really hit it off. As a matter of fact it went great! Then we both returned to our respective homes. Yes, some of you are probably nodding right now, he starting getting a bit weird - pulling back and not communicating. I understood this may be natural so I backed off as well. When I thought the time was right I brought it up and all seemed well again. The problem is he is still visiting the web site where we met and seems to be on it quite a long time. I'm more than a little freaked by this. BTW, I know this because I have two sign-ons to the site (due to reasons that had nothing to do with this relationship) and when he was acting weird I was curious. I'm not sure how to handle this. Should I bring it up? Am I being too paranoid? Any advise would be welcome.
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