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Posts posted by pesh

  1. At first, I thought oral was dirty and disgusting, and that i would NEVER ever do it. i was sort of intimidated by the whole thing, until i read something (on enotalone, as a matter of fact!) that put me at ease, and more willing to do it- "don't treat it as just a penis, but as an extension of the guy you're with."


    now that i've tried oral, its not as dirty to me anymore, and on the whole, i enjoy giving it.

  2. One time i was giving my boyfriend a blow job, and he kept on giggling for no reason. I asked him two or three times what was so funny, and each time he said "nothing". Later on while cuddling he told me that the reason he was giggling so much was that he really had to fart, and was trying so hard to keep it in, and that he found it extremely amusing.


    And also, my parents and his parents don't think it's appropriate that we sleep in the same bed and such. So when he come to stay the weekend, he tells his mom that he's staying at my house, and I tell my mom that we are staying at his summer house nearby, with his parents home (and they arent actually there). This gives us complete privacy, and we have a lot of fun in that house. A few months ago my boyfriend's parents put the house up for sale. One time when me and my guy stayed there, we never bothered to put our clothes back on after our heavy makeput session the night before. We were rudely awakened the next morning by a woman banging on the door, and eventually letting herself in.... while my bf and i are sleeping in the nude still! Thank goodness we heard her before she came upstairs... it was the new realtor, wanting to put up signs and such. She was surprised when she came and saw cars in the driveway-she was expecting the house to be empty- so she had gone inside to investigate.

  3. At first I thought cybersex was weird, until it just sorta happened one night with my bf. It was awesome. We are in a long distance relationship, and we won't be seeing each other for a few more weeks once the semester ends.


    The session lasted 2 and a half hours... oh it was great, i was so aroused the entire time, and thinking of my boyfriend on the other end getting off was pretty hot.


    It's another way to explore your fantasies. They don't have to be acted on in real life, but this can be a good precursor to it.


    I read that some of you find it weird to cyber with anyone other than someone random, and not your SO.... I feel the opposite. I think it would be weird with someone I didn't know or had romantic feelings for.

  4. lol, I thought E. coli was something you get from poorly cooked meat?


    Yes, that is true, however E.coli is also found in the rectum of mammals. I forget exactly what the function is in the rectum, but I do know that it is a beneficial one.


    In fact, about 1/3 of fecal weight is dead bacteria.


    Can't link a source to this info because I learned it in my biology lecture.

  5. There's a websites where you can get the Morning after pill without a prescription, but you must be 18 or older. I haven't personally used it, I only came accross it in my web surfing.


    link removed

  6. Maybe for the first time you shouldnt swallow, but instead when he comes, taste it a bit(thats what i plan to do). He should hopefully be understanding about this being the forst time giving a bj, and wont expect you to swallow the first time.

    And if you do gag, just laugh it off. This is a time to be exploring sexuality, and no one gets it exactly right the first time.

  7. What would you do if your boyfriends said he would only have sex with you if you two got married.?Would you get married to have sex or leave him.?


    I would marry him because I love him, not just for the sex. I would definitely not leave him simply because of not wanting to have sex before marriage.

  8. But the OP did it with someone she has been with for 9 months, way longer than most teens nowadays, if she is in love with the guy, great!!!



    I will be 19 in May, and I'm still a virgin. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 and a half years now, and we have not had sex yet. (Although I forsee it happening soon... )


    When I think about losing my virginity to the guy I'm with, the thought of it makes me want to cry, because it makes me happy to think that I would be losing my virginity to this wonderful person who means the world to me.


    It seems to me as if this was a postive experience for you, unlike what I've heard from my friends about their first time.

  9. I read on a website (i cant remember which one, and i dont have a link, sorry. but im sure that you can look it up) that it is necessary for men to masturbate regularly, or at least release the built up semen through sex, otherwise there can be complications of some sort. i forget what exactly! grr. next time i'll be sure to be able to cite my sources.....

  10. It's not a problem of not being wet enough, I seem to produce enough natural lubrication. I've been thinking about it though, and i think it hurt when he put 2 fingers in is because of the friction from the one finger that had not been in already. So next time i'm with my boyfriend i'll tell him to put one finger in, then the other, and THEN go for two at the same time.

  11. I am uncomfortable with it and I wish i wasn't..


    So true!

    I dunno, it hard to explain. We have grown up with being taught that these are our private parts, and for our whole lives we have covered up this area of our bodies (forget infancy and such), and now to finally expose it... it takes some getting used to.

    I thin kthat it also has to do with being self conscious about our bodies.

  12. I have asperger's syndrome as well, and the funny thing is that I ave a wonderful relationship with my boyfriend, who I have been dating for over 5 years. Other relationships I have a problem with. You should do a search for websites in the topic, or read a book on help with aspergers. I wish that there was a book about the unwritten rules of society. You know, the stuff that everyone knows, but people like you and me just don't get it.

    I also do not have many friends. However those friends that I do have are rather close to me. I tell these people about the aspergers (and I also tell them that i have ADD. wonderful combination- aspergers and ADD. its a nightmare sometimes) and i ask them to constructvely criticize me- tell me when im being to loud or obnoxious, or when im not making eye contact etc. That way i can hopefully learn what im doing wrong and change it.

    I dont think that youre a bad person for getting with a prostitute. like you said, you were drunk, so you werent thinking properly. next time try not to drink so much so that you get very drunk, its not good to mix alcohol and aspergers.

    Good luck with everything and i hope that what i said was helpful!

  13. Just another pointer here, remember that his penis is an extention of him. When you think like this, then you can really put your whole body and mind into it.


    If you just think you are giving a bj to a penis and not the guy, then you wont thorougly relax.


    Great piece of advice there, thanks!

  14. You could try putting a hand down her pants... only if she is comfortable with that. This way, you have better access and she isn't naked. If not, then flatten your hand out and just rub the general area, and judge the best spots based on her response to your touch. You could also ask her what it is she wants you to do, and let her show you the way.


    Good luck, and hope this helped!

  15. I love looking at old pictures with my boyfriend, especially ones of each of when we were little. It is really fun to see what your SO was like as a kid, and then we end up talking about our childhood, and about those little things that most of our friends don't know. If you want to get out of the house, you can drive through your childhood neighborhood (if its not too far away), and go by your old schools, or to the playground that you used to go to.


    Hope this helps you out!

  16. My boyfriend and I recently got to "third base". One finger was fine; not completely stimulating, but it felt good, and still hurt a bit at the same time. I know that starting out it will hurt a bit, but once he tried two fingers... OUCH!! I don't think he even put them in all the way before it hurt. He told me that I was very tight, and now I'm almost scared to have sex in fear that it will hurt really bad. If I can't handle 2 fingers then how the heck am I supposed to take on an erect penis?


    What I'm asking is will my vagina start to expand after he fingers me for awhile? Or am i stuck being tight forever?


    Any comments at all are much appreciated.

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