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  1. If he really cared about you he would: A. Leave his wife to be with you (unlikely he'll do this...it sounds like) or B. Stay with his wife, but stop seeing you...realizing you need more. Truly, if he loves you, he'll let you go. or...I suppose C. keep both of you...living a lie, having his cake and eating it too. Do you need more? What are you expecting to get out of this relationship? Have you told him how you feel and what you need? I'm not trying to come down on you....but you should think of yourself and your needs first. He spends A LOT of time with me and has asked me to marry him 6 times. He told me that this was not a joke, because if I say yes, it meant a lot of things. Everyone says that married men don't leave. I am the first to say it. No I am not kidding myself. I am just perplexed. He talks about his wife in a normal way, as if I should accept it. He has NOT known what I want because although I tell him that I love him, he always tells me that it's not enough and I don't love him as much as he loves me. He has begged me to SIT AND DISCUSS what my expectations are. I refused. I told him that I did not want a boyfriend. That I had fear of commitment. So our relationship is becoming ridiculous. I told him I needed a 3 day break to give ourselves some peace from the outings , the calls, the messages, the constant in touch. He told me 'have the courage to tell me it's over. what are these breaks for?''/ I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I WANT. DO I NEED MORE? MAYBE NOT. MAYBE I LIKE THIS PART TIME THING. YET.......... I GET PISSED WHEN HE MENTIONS HIS WIFE AND FAMILY. NOT THAT I AM JEALOUS. IT IS SIMPLY BECAUSE IT KINDA BAFFLES ME, COMING from a man that says he wants to marry me. Yet, he tells me he went to the movies with his wife (dunno if they went alone, or with her mom and friends).
  2. I have been having an affair with a married man who has given me so much attention and love and care that it's gotten me feeling a little suffocated, which I told him. He has known me for 10 years and admitted to having liked me a long time ago. He is very available, too available. Pushy. Makes long-term plans. Wants me all the time. Recently he has asked me to marry him. 6 times. I did not reply. When we are together, just a few times, he mentions his wife. Like ''we went to the movies'' or ''went with friends to dinner'' or ''she ironed my trousers''. Is he trying to tell me that they still have a great relationship? If things are good with him and her, why this availability to me and his great care and attention with me? I am treating him like dirt. One day nice, one day leave me alone. I told him that he is the greatest and kindest person I have ever met. Yet I am not sure I want him to myself. Also, I am irritated when he mentions his wife as if nothing's wrong. What gives?! My fear of commitment is also killing me. I have refused to sit down and talk seriously with him. I simply don't want to. Please help.
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