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Posts posted by annalise23

  1. Hey Luv


    Glad you bumped into your old friend and he made you feel good!

    Sometimes a boost like that is all you need to get through the day.!


    I am glad you are staying strong. Its been just over 1 week for me now. I have come so far since then! I feel good. Even more so after today, just makes me think Damn i wasted 6 months! Gave him everything. For nothing.


    Good to see you are strong and getting on with things. Keep us posted

  2. Awww that was funny! Cockroach!


    It just makes me laugh really. All those flowers, hearts, puppies for crying out loud! Then 4 days later boom! He is back to his old tricks. ANd who knows when he 'friend' them, could have been sooner as i didnt bother to check.


    Funny thing is he doesnt know I know who these girls are.


    Cant believe I spent days thinking 'ooo he is trying so hard to win we back, maybe im being harsh'


    I guess this is what I needed to see to really let go fully. I cant even see myself being friends with him


    Here is my big dilema - I gave this guy ALOT of money as he was struggling with bills. I always knew I would be paid back over time, but since we split that is not the case. And even when we split I thought i didnt care. Now I have seen this, I do care.


    What should I do. I really cant see him paying up anyway as he really is in debt! should i just let go and forget it.

  3. This guy used to talk to girls behond my back. Yahoo chat blahblah. He deleted his myspace cos he was doing it on there too. Now he has a myspace page with guess what?! All the same girls he was chatting with before. NOw i am mad and cannot believe he promised al these things and how he owuld 'saw his own leg off to make me trust him'


    Its so funny when you think about it. I am glad I looked at his page. All this week he said he will change. Yet there he is... Ha!


    Mine is a scumbag. No excuses no nothing anymore. I am so moving on. I dont even want to be his friend. Lie after lie after lie!

  4. I am defo not sending him happy birthday.

    I foolishly checked his myspace.

    All the things he promised... All not happening. I am stronger for it now. He said he would change. Yet he is not. In fact he is doing all the things he did wrong in the first place.



    Not checking it again. Big mistake. Although i was doing ok, I can finally let go of any thoughts 'can he change' NOOOO!!

  5. Just a quick one, if you are doing NC and feeling quite strong and happy with the situation, and its your ex birthday, would you send them a text/email just saying happy birthday?


    I don't want to appear like I don't care or have forgot. But I also don't want to give the wrong impression that I want to get back together.


    Any ideas?

  6. Thanks Luv

    To be honest Im so confused and upset. I was doing so well, I was moving on and now I feel I have took massive steps back.

    I have to keep going but its hard. I know how I feel about my ex is because I am upset and just need someone to comfort me, not as a friend but as my boyfriend. But thats wrong.

    I guess it will make me stronger. Just at the moment everything seems to be going wrong! I am from the UK but in the US at the moment, just looking at flights home because I feel I need some time with my friends. All I seem to do here is wallow at the moment! A fresh scene and old friends will probably help alot!

  7. I am having major missing him issues today.

    I am feeling so there are problems at home with my parents and its all starting to get too much. I am missing him because I want comfort. And I know its for all the wrong reasons. But I feel so alone at the moment. This is so hard. I am trying to stay strong aadn will.


    You can be friends with your ex, just be careful you dont have feelings for him and that it could end up hurting you. I would like to be friends with mine, but I know for now I cant because I would want to get back with him.

  8. Thank you.


    I will talk to him. Try and remain calm and see what he has to say. It is my dad so I can't hate him. But I am thinking of my mum and how she is going through hell knowing something is wrong and being told she is paranoid.

    I wil talk with my dad and see what happens.


    Just when I thought everything was starting to work out..! I have to keep telling myself my feelings for my ex are clouded by my need for some comfort of some sort. And it is not fair to him or me to use him like that.


    Thanks for your advice.

  9. From the emails it is pretty clear it has gone further.


    They do need to 'chill out' but I think once the **** hits the fan, its going to be a nightmare.

    The stress of moving here, not being together has not helped. I can see why dad did this, not that it is right or anything, and im annoyed and angry at him. But I know he is under stress.


    I will talk with dad and hopefully see how it goes. I really dont know what to do. I think he will say 'leave it with me'. mum will go home friday leaving dad with this woman and no wife. Disaster waiting to happen

  10. I want to say that, and she has been confronting my dad. But he denies everything, says she is paranoid. Then they row. And because I know my mum is right to suspect, it is hard for me. She knows deep down something is wrong, but has no proof. And then he turns it on her calling her paranoid and says she is trying to cause problems

  11. He has deleted all emails and history on the comp. I wish I had forwarded them to me. I was in shock last night when I read them.

    My parents have always had a loving relationship. So i was in disbelief when I read them,


    I think I will try and talk to my dad when he gets back.

  12. I totally think its because he misses my mum, they have never been apart. Recently I have had my suspicions as he has been friendly with this woman, but never in a million years thought he would go further.



    Been here since July last year. And even that is another story.


    For the past month my mum and dad have been apart and this is when it started going wrong. He has told many lies, and I have known about it. Mum has been vaguely talking to me saying she knows he is being distant, that she feels he doesnt want her here.


    I even took my dad one side (before I discovered the emails) and said I would go home to look after my sis so my mum can come out as she cant handle being away. He dismissed the idea. Now I know why.


    My mum keeps asking me questions about my dad, and i am having to cover things up. I am now feelings so guilty. I do not want my mum to know as it will destroy her. But at the same time, it cant carry on.

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