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Posts posted by hopelesslyyours

  1. Aww, you're too cute. I wish more guys were like you. As for the jealousy part, it's perfectly normal when you really love somebody but you need to learn to deal with it. If it was the other way around, wouldn't you want her to still love you even if you've been with a bajillion girls? The way I see it is that every time you start a new relationship with someone new, it's like starting over again. You still get those initial butterflies in your stomach, you feel like you're in love all over again. When she kisses you, she doesn't think of those other guys she's been with, it's like a new experience again. Don't think of her like she's used merchandise. She's not used, she's experienced. And experiencing different forms of the same thing makes you cherish the best form the most, which in this case, is you. I personally think that you guys have a great relationship because you are open to each other and she told you about her past. I hope this helps.

  2. Wow... I am a girl and I am in your position. I understand it really sucks, especially when you know that person is the one, except for that one minor problem, which in this case to the both of us, is a big problem. I've been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 years now and I can tell you that the 2nd year was really rough. We went from having sex a few times a day to once every few weeks and now once a month if I'm lucky. I am frustrated pretty much all the time. I don't know what to do either. He's my everything, and I can't lose him. But at the same time, can I keep putting myself through this? Haha, maybe you and I should be together, jk. I hope the best for your relationship.

  3. Wow. I have the same exact problem. I am 21 years old, my boyfriend is 25. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years. Our 2 year anniversary was on the 26th, which is 2 days ago. I've been living with him for about 7 months. I've noticed that since last summer, his sex drive has decreased tremendously. I know he's really stressed out about his job and trying to get into a second baccalaureate. His major demands a lot from him too. I get depressed whenever I get rejected. We used to have sex several times a day. Now it's once every 2 weeks. I haven't had sex in 3 weeks. He goes down on me only once a week but says he's not in the mood to have sex. He even rejects oral sex from me. It's hard being a girl and being rejected. It makes you feel ugly and undesirable. I am going to wait it out and see if anything is going to change if he graduates. That's how much I love him. But if you think you will be missing out if you continue to put up with it, then you should end the relationship. If there is a glimmer of hope that he will regain his sex drive back, be patient if you love him.

  4. Oh my god. I have guinea pigs too and I've become so attached to them. I adopted them because they were abused and left out over night in a paper bag out in the cold and petco found them. One of them just had babies a week ago. I can't imagine what you are going through. I'm so sorry. I don't really know what to say. Just know that she is going to a better place where she can have all the hay, fruits, and veggies she wants. I just lost my grandma 2 weeks ago and I know how it feels to see someone leave you right in front of your eyes. You perceive life a little differently. Death is a part of life. We are dying as we speak, of old age, don't you think? I know you won't find a guinea pig just like abby but just know she was deeply cared for and will be at peace. Take care, kid.

  5. I sort of understand what you are going through. I'm 21 and my bf is 25. We've been together for 2 years and lived together for the past 7 months. My situation is a little different. It was hard for us to keep our hands off each other for the first year and then things went down hill from there. Now we have sex once a month. I'm sexually frustrated because he is always tired. He purposely makes himself tired so that he can sleep early(around midnight-1 am) He has a busy schedule with work and school but it just feels like I'm his last priority. He's always been busy but now he likes to swamp himself so that he can be tired. He chooses video games before me. He puts everything before me. He tells me he still loves me and I do believe that he truly means that. Don't get me wrong, he is a great lover in bed and I really do miss those times. Recently, when we have sex, he will get soft really quick and not feel like he's "in the mood" I am a very sexual and physical person and he used to be too, but I'm not quite sure what is wrong. It's very understandable when girls feel very frustrated. Girls are generally very beautiful, no matter what. When a girl gets rejected on physical means, she feels extremely rejected and it shatters her self-esteem and self-confidence. I, personally, feel like I'm not attractive anymore.


    I really what you said about how if one should give up a nearly perfect relationship. Our relationship is rated as follows:


    emotional connection: 9/10

    shared viewpoints: 10/10

    trust: 10/10

    love: 10/10

    friendship: 10/10

    commitment: 10/10

    sexuality: 2/10(at the moment) used to be 10/10


    A lot of the aspects of my relationship are perfect 10s except for sexuality. I think about leaving him because of that but that's not reasonable. We still love each other very much even though there's no sexual attraction between us. He's my best friend and we both know we will get married in the next 10 years. I don't want to give up a beautiful thing because what if things change? What if we both finish school and start working full-time? What if he finds his libido again? What if he finally gets used to a constant routine and gets more energy to have sex with me? I agree that sex is a huge part of a long term relationship/marriage but I don't think it's enough to call it off. Keep working at it if you still love him. Good luck to you. If you want to talk more about this, let me know

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