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Everything posted by desoba

  1. I havent really talked to her about counseling. I really dont believe in counselling, with someone who has just studied about it, and hasnt really had any personal experience with it. I'd rather listen to people like you guys who can give me some advice because of personal experience. About Iceman's comments, we each had a night out a week, I would go out after work on a tuesday and play cards for a few hours, and I she would go out on Friday to have some drinks with friends.
  2. I finally got a reason out of her today. She said that this guy made her feel beautiful and always said nice things to her(apparently the things I wasnt saying to her) and always complimented her on her body after having four kids,(which I must say is absolutely stunning after having 4 kids). She also said when we fight I was always mean to her and called her names, and this guy was always so nice to her. I really dont recall ever being that mean. I know that doesnt give her an excuse, and I'm not going to blame myself for this.
  3. So far all the advice is very helpfull, but it would be very hard to go to counseling with 4 children under the age of 5 and not much family around to watch over them. I thought abput leaving for awhile, but then I thought why would I want to be away from my kids because she messed up.
  4. My wife of 6 years and mother of my 4 young children just recently confessed to having a one-night-stand with another man. The only reason I think she confessed(otherwise I think she would of never told me) is that she went to the doctor and found out she was given Chlamydia from the guy she slept with. She called me from work that day crying and telling me I'm gonna hate her and divorce her because there is something she had to tell me. When she got home and told me that she was drunk and she slept with this guy, I didnt know what to say or do. She also told me she did use a condom, which I kind of find hard to believe. My heart felt like it dropped to my gut, then I felt anger like I never felt before. The next few days I kinda kept to myself , and I couldnt get that picture out of my head. She told me that she wouldnt go out no more or ever talk to the the "OP" again or anything, then I finally told her I forgave her. For the next couple of days things were actually better than ever, I just wanted to be with her and love her and hold her and not let her go, but after a week or so it started to fade off and I find myself picturing that over and over and getting mad. I try not to throw it in her face but I just get so mad I find a way to bring it up and start a fight. She always tries to say "it was a mistake I am sorry It will never happen again", but I dont know what I'm feeling right now. I feel like I need to get revenge somehow, but that probably wouldnt be the best thing to do. I just wanted to tell somebody so thats why I'm here. If anyone has any advice or anything that could help me please do.
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