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  1. Well, she never dropped my stuff off to my roomate, and she sent me a message saying she didn't do so. When I asked her why she didn't, she responded by saying I guess I'm just using this as a resaon to say hi to you in person. How am I suppossed to interpret this? I think I keep trying to figure out everything that she is thinking and its driving me crazy.
  2. i responded and told her she could drop the stuff off to my roomate, and all I got was an "ok". I guess I was just hoping for a little more than that. I still want so bad for there to be a chance for this to work but it seems like each day the chance gets smaller and smaller.
  3. Well I didnt respond right away and she sent me two messages in a matter of 3 hours asking if I got them and then saying sorry to bother you. I swear I can't figure her out.
  4. so far today is my 7th day of NC and i finally got a text from her. she didnt say much, basically just hey whats up and i have some of your things to return. should i respond or just let it go. i want her to know i still care but i dont want to blow it by responding right away. what should i do?
  5. Drum Thank you for the advice. I hung out with her friend a yesterday and I kept the talk of the relationship to a minimum. She didnt say too much and seemed like she wasnt too willing to give any information. I'm still so confused about the whole situation. This is my 6th day on NC and I can only hope it gets better from here. It has been so tough to keep myself from texting or emailing her but I have stayed strong.
  6. I plan on starting NC today. She emailed me saying she cares so much about me but feels like this is the right thing to do right now. Im still struggling with the fact that it was so good 2 weeks ago, even for her (so she says), and now its over. I'm going to see a good friend of hers this weekend, how should I approach that as far as NC goes.
  7. Yeah, we have talked a few times since the break-up and the conversation seems to just be going around and around and we are just talking in circles. It just seems to me like she is trying so hard to convince herself that she is making the right choice.
  8. So far its only been a few days since my gf broke up with me. We have dated for about 6 months and the relationship seemed great. She broke up with me because she said she feels like over the past 2 or 3 weeks she has grown further and further apart. She feels like we havent been spending enough time as just the two of us and she has lost the feeling she once had for me I want more than anything to get back with her and make her feel like she did just a month ago when she said everything was perfect. I just dont know where to start.
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