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Eddie O

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Posts posted by Eddie O

  1. will..


    first off, with all due respect, WHAT..U AN IDIOT??? ok...now that i got that out.....


    you have to show her that u really want to be with her and she can trust you.....not by just sayin it.....and it must be earned....dont bug her to the point of her hating you....simply do the little things.....a rose to her at her office.......send her a tape of youor favorite song.....slowly....but be consistent man.....and u really need to stop the stupid actions of grabing ass and asking for hand jobs.....christ...wack off if ya have to...but love your girl if thats what u want....

  2. hey..


    first off, having just broke up with my girl after 4 years....and now feeling crazy unreal pain cause she is moving on and im stuck.....we (men) have issues with talking and communicating with the ones we love....we can talk to everyone else and sound like we know it all...but when it comes to our relationships....we shy away.


    i dont have answers to yur questions....but know that men often realize things when its too late...and aren't man enough to repair it.....

    a shame

  3. i recently quit my job....actually, 7 months ago.....around then, i started to shut down and not deal with anything...including my girl of 4 years....


    i felt like i didnt love her the way i should ....and i told her ...crushed her....and she did everything to stop it....but i stuck to my guns....we lived together this past year....and about 3 weeks ago, she moved out, got apt. 3 blocks from me........we stay(ed) in touch....close, we love each other, like family, etc.....and last week, she told me we cant talk or see each other like this anymore.....which makes sense, i wanted this, i asked for this breakup....she seems stronger now, goin out, moving on, i think she met someone that has interest in her...which gives her strength of course.


    Now....i feel all the pain, question my decision, love her still....seems im a mess with her AND without her......im gonna start seein a shrink this week and sort things out.....but wondering why, since i caused the breakup, i feel like my world has ended...cant leave the house, I live inside my head and create crazy stories...cry all the time....i only remember the good times...the love.....and not the bad......i deserve this, but im causing my own pain......and miss her so.....am i an idiot?? wrong? is this normal??


    Anyone!!! Help???!!!!

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