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Posts posted by CalindaAnn

  1. My boyfriend and I have been going out for about a year and a half. We both believe in saving sex until marriage and we have talked about it several times.

    Part 1 : Well, a few nights ago he fingered me for the first time and it felt good but it hurt. Is this normal? I don't masterbate so I'm thinking that it is just that I'm not use to having anything in there.

    Part 2 : I was talking to him about it tonight and it ended with me saying that i wasn't sure. I want him to be happy and he wants to do this and I'm not sure if I feel like it is wrong but I don't know that I think it is okay. He tells me he loves me and that it doesn't matter to him, that he would like to but he loves me either way. I feel like I should say it is fine but somewhere inside me I just feel like saying no but I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm just scared of change. I've told him all this and we are getting together tomorrow and well will talk more about it then but I just thought I'd get your thoughts.

  2. I'm almost 17 (my boyfriend is a couple months older) We have been dating about 16 months. Everything is going wonderful I do truly love him and I think I might be "in love" with him. (I believe that you can only truly be "in love" once in you live and more people are never "in love") I can't imagine myself with anyone else or being any happier. We can talk about anything and never get mad at each other. I r personalities blend so well, he is one of my best friends and I love him for him and not because of anything else. He is perfect. We enjoy thing same things and want mostly the same things and more importantly are willing to compromise and find something that we are both happy with. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him and I know he feels the same way. Just last night we talked about how we couldn't imagine our lives without the other one. Always saying that we are going to spend the rest of out lives together and talking about what we will name out kids.

    Is the ridiculous??? Could we be "in love"??? Could we have found our soul mates in each other???

  3. I hate panic attacks and i get them all the time it is so horrible...but mine aren't really a feeling of not being able to breathe as much i just get really tense and stuborn and curl up in a ball and just want to stay there forever...I hate it and I have empathy for anyone who experences them.

  4. So..I have this boyfriend that I've been with for 8 and a half months, and I am madly in love with him. I can't imagine life without him.

    Factor 1:

    He's been in Texas for a little while, and will be there for 6 months. He's off at military school, which he applied for BEFORE he even met me.

    Factor 2:

    Texas is on the other side of the country. Yes, way over there.

    Factor 3:

    I am a flirtaholic (it's not like I try to, it just happens! AAH!)

    Factor 4:

    He's very attractive to the opposite sex. Which worries me. What if they're better than me, which they probably are?

    Factor 5:

    According to peers I am also attractive to the opposite sex. Who knew?

    Factor 6:

    I guess he's madly in love with me.

    Factor 7:

    He told me that he'd wait for me, through that long while, but I don't have to wait for him. Which obviously makes me want to wait for him more.

    Factor 8:

    We've got this old-fashioned letter-writing thing going on, and every time I get a letter, I swoon.

    Factor 9:

    He makes me feel like I'm the happiest girl in the world, and like no one could ever feel as happy as I feel.

    Factor 10:

    He seems to be as lovesick as I am, which of course makes me feel finer than frog's hair. *sigh*

    Lately, he's been acting suspicious. Not in a bad way. He's been saying things like, "When I get back I have a question to ask you. It may be a little early, but my heart is telling me to ask you." Considering there are only so many questions it could be, it seems like he's leaning towards the BIG QUESTION. Now, if he were to ask me, my heart says YES!!, except I still want to wait a little while before I get engaged to be hitched.

    What do you think?


    Oh yeah, and I'm only 16. He's 17.

  5. WOW okay what is his deal...I think he might be playing hard to get...i hate that game but just talk to him and tell him how you feel. Call him up and tell him that you are interested in getting to know him better and if he wants to get to know you better to call you and act like a man.

  6. I think you should call her! If it is a cell phone number you can reach her where ever she is so call at like 9 pm or something sometime before you go to work and after she would be home from work. If your mom thinks you would be so perfict together maybe she works night too. [/b]

  7. I have a friend that I consided to be one of my best friends and I think she thinks of the same of me way. But sometimes like when we are in a big group of people I feel like she trys to avoid me. We used to have great talks, stay up till 4 or 5 in the morning just talking but in the last few months I feel like she is pulling away. She graduated this year and is going off to college while I'm only a junior, is it that she is pulling away so when she has to leave in a couple months it won't hurts as bad? But she doesn't seem to be doing this with all of our friends. Like just the other day a bunch of us were getting together and I came in and said hi to everyone and a most people said hello but not her. Then when one of our male friends came she jumped up and gave him a big hug and then won't let go she was just hanging on him (no she doesn't like him the went out 2 years ago and she broke up with him (i went out with him too) and we always talk about how it was a bad idea to ever go out with him..believe me she doesn't like him) she is alway doing stuff like that where she doesn't notice me and then makes a big deal about it with other people (mostly guys but not exclusively)

    Maybe I'm over reacting and there is nothing wrong at all and my low self-esteem and insecurity is getting in my way I don't know anymore.

    I also feel almost used like when she needs some one to talk to she will come to me (I'm the theropist to all my friends) and if she seems down I'll always ask whats wrong and if she wants to talk. I think I'm kinda good at noticing when people are down but i'm not sure. But when I'm down and showing that I'm down and not hiding it she doesn't notice and everyonce and awhile she will say something and it seems like she cares but I dont' know. Maybe she just doesn't know how to show affection in a none romatic way.

    Can anyone help I don't know what is going on? I will answer any questions if you post something here and let you know. Thank you for you time.

  8. Just be sure of what you are doing. Don't second guess youself. If you want something go for it. Show people that you're the bose and that is that(but be careful not to be snotty or stuck up). The easiest way of putting it is just don't be shy. Head up and sholders square! Don't worry just be yourself and don't be afraid to be yourself.

  9. The feeling I got from your post is that you are in a relationship with this girl. If this is true then don't ask. I had a boyfriend once that asked everything before he kissed me and it was one of the biggest turn offs ever, it ruins the moment!

    If you are just seeing eachother as friends and your not sure if she wants to take it any farther then ask. This would be the only exception to the 100% no asking rule!!!

  10. If you go with tape go with gaf (gaffers) tape!

    What does you girlfriend think of it? Does she notice? Is it a turn on or off for her? As her about it OR try making sure she notices and watch her reactions... I bet she likes it. Hey she turns you on alest she knows she you really like her and really want to be with her. I don't think it is that big of deal...

  11. I think she likes you but what I think you should do is to invite you to dinner or something (don't call it a date) then she can deside if it is a date or a friendly get-together. Generally if she dresses up and seems to really care what she looks like and if she is nervous she thinks of it more as a date then just to friends going out. I don't know the exact situation or the girl but I think this may work. Pay attention to how nevous she is and if she is acting different in any way then she normally does, girls don't always do this but most of the time the will. Hope this works let me know how it goes over.

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