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Posts posted by heaven

  1. He was never going to take me seriously, he kicked me out, changed the locks, treated me horribly, made me feel inferior, compared me to others, he emotionally manipulated me and I took him back all those times... told me he could get anyone he wanted...
    HA! Well look at him now-- if he's all that then why is he still single?


    This guy sounds like such a jerk! I'm new here and am not sure what "NC" is, but I'm assuming it means No Calling. If you've gone a whole 7 months without calling this * * * * * * *, please do not mess up what you've worked so hard to do. It will only put you back to square one. He is not worth your precious time!


    Please stay strong and take care. Many hugs to you.

  2. Is there a chance that maybe he went out of town for the weekend so he did not get your message? Or were you calling his cell phone?


    If you really need/want to get your things back you should call him again. Leave any suggestions of hanging out up to him though.

  3. I prefer taller guys because I'm 5'7, but I would never rule out someone who is cute, funny, intelligent and kind just because he was not tall.


    Many women are picky about a man's height just like a lot of men are picky about a woman's weight. Girls who won't date a guy just because he is short are the equivalent of guys who won't date a girl just because she is chubby. Some people are simply shallow and are not worth your precious time.


    As far as I'm concerned, sexy can come in all shapes and sizes.

  4. Maybe he felt that way about her at the time (or thought he did anyway), but now he is with you and maybe his feelings for you and the love you share don't hold a candle to what they once supposedly had.


    Since he was the one who was dumped he's probably still got alot of hurt. Maybe he was so crushed that it was easier for him to say he never loved her that much in the first place and that she was never all those things to him. Kind of like a defense mechanism, a way to deal with his pain.


    I know you feel as if you've been lied too, and I can understand where you're coming from, but unless he said these things to you with the intention of being hurtful or deceptive I would try to work through it and see it for what it really is. From what you've said here, I really don't think he meant to hurt you.


    Many hugs to you.

  5. But he is with you now. And I'm sure there are people or experiences from your past that he'd rather not think about. With this said, I know you can't help how you feel and feelings are never stupid, but sometimes it's necessary to change how you look at things for your own sake. Accept the fact that you cannot go back and change the past.


    Now, if he's bringing up these girls from the past without you asking first, then I would say, "Baby, please. I really don't want to hear about this." And you can say it in a sweet or playful kind of way. If he keeps doing it after that, I would be alot less sweet about it.

  6. Now I know everyone has a past, but my bf went out of his way to tell me I was the BEST and FIRST love, when in fact that wasnt true. He lied just to get to me and for me to feel safe, but the truth is THEY lie just to get you, hook you, then after that they open the cans of worms when you already fell in love with them....so cheap and pathetic and betraying....i just want an honest man for once~!
    Were you under the impression that he had never had a girlfriend before or that he had never loved before? Just trying to clarify what you mean about him lying.


    I've been in love several times in my life. Just because I was madly in love before doesn't mean that I can't feel that way again with a new boyfriend. Besides, how would you have liked it if he would've gone on and on about how much he loved this girl and how wonderful she was? How he had missed out on "the one"? You probably would have never had a chance together then.


    Just my opinion, but maybe you should cut him some slack. Afterall, you've been together for 2 years now, so there must be something to this relationship.



  7. There's been some great advice given here. Sounds to me like there is some nice chemistry between the 2 of you, so I'd just wait and see what happens. Who knows, as you get to know her better you may fall in love and find her very attractive! Whatever the case, I hope you both enjoy a wonderful friendship.


    Hopefully I'm not being out of line here, but if she's not a very pretty girl, is it that you're worried about what your friends would think if you started dating her?

  8. Since this is all new for ya'll, maybe she is still in the process of learning how to come from oral sex. Hopefully I can explain this right-- if she's used to having an orgasm through masturbation or from you playing with her she kinda has to learn to work it a new way. The sensation of a tongue is much different and can be much more intense than that of fingers. Sometimes the sensation can be almost too much and feel a bit overwhelming.


    Just keep experimenting and over time things will start to happen right.

  9. My ex was half Spanish & half Mexican and hung like a horse. The downside to this was that it could really be uncomfortable if I wasn't quite *ready*. Aside from that I've only been with white guys and they were all just fine.


    Come to think of it one of the white guys I dated really wasn't that big at all, but whatever he was doing he was doing right b/c we had absolutely amazing sex.


    Guys, really-- it's not all about size. It's how worked up you can get your girl that counts.

  10. I think you need a degree of obsession to get your hair to waist length in the first place and then to maintain it daily.....
    Nah, you just skip out on the hair cuts and put it in a braid when it gets in the way. Easy as pie really.


    As for the maintenance needed to keep long hair combed and in good condition, I'd love to help with that. Hand me a comb and I'll get right on it. Yes, I do know how to comb long hair properly without pulling it.
    Very nice. I think it would be extremely sensuous to have a man do this.


    Charley - I think you are right about them attacking me for being different. Apart from my brother, I was the only half-Asian in the entire school and there weren't very many full Asians there, either (maybe 10 at the most in a school of several hundred students). I also had the longest hair in the school and I knew that many girls were jealous of it even though I didn't understand why at the time.

    That's awful, Sheyda! Kids can be sooo cruel. Well, no doubt many were simply jealous because I'm sure your hair is just gorgeous.
  11. No disrespect to your fella, but this seems awfully selfish to me. Okay, so his self-esteem is tied into this-- he feels that his penis should be sufficient, BUT what about your feelings??


    Does he have any concept of how it makes you feel when he says he doesn't like going down on you? Though I enjoy it, I would have a very hard time giving oral to a man who did not want to return the favor. It's not like he would have to be down there for very long..... if done right, it only takes a coupla minutes if that. It seems like it would turn him on to see you so turned on.


    I'm sure a lot of couples have this same issue, and I hope everything gets better soon.



    Many hugs to you.

  12. That was an awfully nasty letter she wrote to you, but since she decided not to send it you had no right to read it imo. It's actually quite common for someone who is hurt to write an angry letter that never gets sent. It's a way to release one's feelings and blow off steam.


    Obviously she was very hurt by your actions. If you value this relationship it would probably be best to focus on making things right instead of snooping through her e-mails. Invasion of one's privacy is never a good thing.



  13. This is not acceptable AT ALL. You have made it clear that his comments hurt your feelings yet he continues to make them. This is extremely disrespectful. And as for him "growing out of it", I wouldn't count on it. He's 23, not 13! He's a grown man and should know better.


    Sweetie, you do not deserve this. I am in the process of divorcing a man who for years thought it was funny to call me ugly names on a regular basis, even though I made it known that I did not appreciate it. There is no excuse.


    Men do this to keep you feeling down on yourself. If he makes you feel ugly enough he won't have to worry about you looking for someone else. Men like this are extremely insecure. This is why he's bragging about those ladies at work, he's trying to make himself out to be some kinda hot stud.


    Trust me, I've been there. Please know that you cannot change someone, and if you continue your relationship and end up marrying this guy it will only get worse.


    Hugs to you.

  14. Run for the hills, Sweetie. You seem like a nice guy who deserves to be loved and respected in return. Please just get as far away as possible from this mess!!


    You are very kind for caring, but this is her life and these are her choices. Apparently she is content where she's at and you cannot change her. This is a seriously screwed up situation, one that is destined to remain ugly and full of sorrow. Please love yourself enough to see the truth here.


    Many hugs to you.



    ETA: I sure do feel sorry for that poor little baby....

  15. Has he always been this way with you? If so, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's just the way he is, so don't take it personally.


    My guy's the same way-- sometimes he's feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or stressed out from work and he needs a little time to regroup and get himself together. He wants our time together to be good and he wants to be at his best. We just had this discussion recently and the way he explained it to me is that it's like he doesn't want me to see him during his *weak* moments.


    It seems that guys have their *time of the month* (w/out the physical symptoms of course) just like we do, and depending on the individual, some need a little more space than others. As hard as it can be (I know...), just let him have his time and you won't be sorry. It's not like he's gonna forget that he loves you or anything, and more than likely he'll really appreciate your respect for his feelings. You don't want to come off as a nag and end up being resented.


    Best of luck to you! :scatter:

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