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Posts posted by 74aries

  1. I really value our friendship and yes I do have to admit that I am somewhat attracted to him but there is the question of our friendship and the fact that he is my boss. No it is not allowed at my company, as far as management and associates dating.


    I know I need to do some thinking and evaluate my feelings for him and proceed from that point, but I also am interested in anyone thoughts of his feelings for me. Does he act this way because we are friends and we connect or is there something more on his part. I would like to get opinions before I approach him and discuss where this is leading, if he does have feelings for me. I would feel very uncomfortable if I read his signals wrong and approached him about a possible relationship.


    If we did start one, then one of use would have to transfer if anyone found out. Again something else to think about.


    Thanks for the advice and opinions!!

  2. I would like to get some opinions on this and maybe some ideas as well....


    On New years eve my boss gave me a hug and as I turned to walk away he lightly tugged on my jacket and gave me a kiss, no big deal, or at least I thought. I asked him about it and he told me that it was just a new years kiss, ok. Well, we were friends before this and have continued to be but I have noticed that when I am not at my work area he will come and look for me, I noticed a little a few months ago but thought nothing of it, but it has become real obvious to me over the past few months that it happens almost everytime he is my area. He doesn't do it with other co workers and he is very well liked among my co workers, so it's not like he can't talk and joke around with them. BTW, a couple of them are also friends of his, which are female as well. He told me a couple of months before he kissed me that he loved me and of course I asked him how he meant it and he kind of side stepped the question, answering it but not really answering(hope I made sense there). I like him but I don't want other people to start talking(which some of them have, they know he seeks me out). I just want some opinions on if there is more than friendship on his mind and if so how can I go about talking to him about the way he seeks me out, without hurting our friendship or potential relationship?


    I hope someone can help and give me some advice.

  3. Ok here is my situation.....me and a guy friend are really close. He has someone in his life and everything has been fine between us for a couple of years. Well anyway, we flirt with each other but nothing has come of it except one time, when he gave me a quick kiss. He uses endearments with me, that is just the way he is with people he is close too. When he goes out of town and gets back he will tell me sweetie, I'm home or he will text me in the morning to see if I'm awake(jokingly) if I need to get up early to go to work or do something really important. He does not do this with his other friends, cause we have some of the same friends, and I ask them if he does or not and they say no. I can tell he misses me sometimes and sometimes I will catch him staring at me. We feel very comfortable with each, so it is hard to tell this could lead to something more. He e-mails or talks to me when his gf is not around and that is when alot of the flirting goes on. He will tell me when he is going to e-mail me and it usually is when she is not around. Would this be considered as cheating? Could this lead to the "other woman"?

  4. I'm not pursuing him. I just didn't understand how he could be hot and cold toward me and I have talked to another one of my friends who said that he could be having feelings for you. I look at him only as a friend nothing more. I don't want to jump to any conclusions and ruin a good friendship with this, if I talked to him about it. Yes, I do care for him but just as a friend. I was just looking for second opinion. Thanks

  5. Let's see, how I can explain it. I think that a guy friend of mine may have feelings for me. He is in a committed relationship. We talk and are so what close. Anyway, we get to a level of being comfortable with each other and then he just shuts down, I to take a step back, but I know what I am doing, as far as distance. He will avoid me for a while and then when I ask him he says he isn't but I know he is. He even told a friend of ours that he was. Anyway, if we don't talk for a while he comes on like he misses me and when I tell him that I have missed him he tells me that it means alot to him. Then we go through awhile of not communicating. I hope this gives more info into my question. Thanks

  6. I think that people are suppose to meet at certain times in their lives. Maybe it is to learn something for them or for us to teach them something, or maybe a little of both. We can't control our feelings, my friend tried to do this, and in the end he just let it be what is was. Just the happiness and sure joy that was on his face when he decided just to go with whatever happened(s) was such a relief. I don't like to see him go through so much internal struggles. When he moved (transfer) he would avoid me until I asked him about it and then he put his need to distance himself, and continued to come to where I was. The last day that we were going to work together, he came to where I was(unusual, that early) and other people where around but I knew that he was there for me. So no matter how it turns out, I believe we were meant to have this time in our lives for whatever reason.

  7. Let me ask you if you agree with this statement. I believe that it is so much harder to stay away and not give into the temptation that you face each and everytime you see or talk to him/her. So when they say, "go for it and follow your heart", it is not that easy. It takes a strong and moral person to maintain that "distance" with someone you care so much about.


    I agree with you about the position that our friends are in. I hate to see my friend so upset and really struggling with what is going on inside of him. At times he does so well and then at other times I see that he is trying to reach out and I have to kind of watch myself and not do what I really want to do. I would assume that you really don't like seeing your friend in such a hard situation either. Yes, eventually in the long run(who knows how long) everything will go the way it is suppose to go and we all will learn a great lesson from this about ourselves, love and life.

  8. I completely understand what you are saying, however it is not that easy to stop emailing each other(not that we haven't tried). The thing is I value our friendship so much that if that is all that we can have,I am fine with that. However, there is a risk involved with just being friends, one day for what ever reason that line could be crossed. I guess it depends on how strong you are and if you think that you could walk away from any temptation that may arise. For me,it is different in some ways becasue I don't see him everyday like I use to. Yes, that was the hardest, seeing him everyday and knowing that nothing can happen.


    I think that what you are doing is the right thing for everyone involved. Good luck and I hope that everything works out.

  9. Here is my situation. I have a friend, whom I have met through work and I have feelings for him. I have known him for quite a while and we are close. He got a transfer within the company and had to move out of the area. While he was here, we both knew that there was more than just friendship feelings going on, even though we never talked about it or even crossed that line. I really never thought of him in that way until one day when I saw something different in the way he looked at me and from that day on things changed, we became more playful and we could just look at each other and no matter what was going on, it was just us two.

    Anyway, like I stated earlier he had to move out of the area. We still stay in contact via e-mail and he has been back a couple of times for business. The last time he was here, the moment he saw me, he dropped his luggage right where he stood and came over to me and we started talking, and then when he left and went back to his office and I got an e-mail from him stating that it was good to see me. Now normally, that is nothing, but in this situation, I feel it was more than him just being nice. My problem is, he is married and I don't know if what we are doing(emailing, at least once a week) is wrong. Is this consider cheating?


    Any advice would be grateful and helpful.

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