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  1. You know that is a VERY good point. I didn't think of it that way. It may have a lot to do with me. I'm quite fearful whenever I'm in a relationship with someone or about to be because I get scared of what I'll be coming accross something that would hurt me. I could be a psych major jumping to conclusions already before getting to know him lol, but that fear that I got hasn't gone away though. I should really take this easy. But thank you for your opinion. That's made me realise.
  2. You are right, in a way I don't wanna date him because I don't want anything bad to happen to either of us. But I'm probably jumping to conclusions far too soon. If it were me, I wouldn't like it if he judged me so quickly just like the way I am doing right now with him. Right now my heart is telling me to give him a chance but I think I got this feeling of what I should be expecting if anything happens.
  3. We haven't exactly been dating, we've become very close friends and feel as though something between us is about to happen, but after he told me this, its made me step back slightly, he's not done anything so far that's made me feel he's looking up to me as a mother figure but now that I know this information, I have this slight fear that he may want lots of attention from me. I really like this guy, I just hope he'll like me for who I am, not for what I'll give him.
  4. I've met this guy couple of months ago, I met him through friends and we've been getting along quite well as I'm getting to know him, I was quite surprised by the fact he told me he hadn't lived with his family properly since he was 11, he was sent to boarding school, then he was studying and working at the same time, of course he had been going back and forth to see his family whenever he could but he's been living with friends and now he's 27. He told me about his last relationship that ended 3 years ago, their relationship lasted for 6 years! Which left me gobsmacked. I couldn't figure out how until it made me wonder if his ex girlfriend was a 'motherly figure' to this guy since he's spent so much time away from his family? I'm afraid I may end up the same role model to this guy too. Any suggestions?
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