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Happysadness 3

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Posts posted by Happysadness 3

  1. Heelllooo everyone. Okay. In my mind I don't think this is a healthy relationship, mostly I think it's cause of me, but also some of my girlfriend too. I want everyones opinion on our relationship. Most of the problems are cause of me, but some are her too.


    1. I get sad, worried, jelous, and I don't think clearly alot. I'm currently trying to help myself with this.


    2. Everytime I got one of these, all I need is for her to reassure me, and talk to me about it. But she doesn't know how, and sometimes she just doesn't act like it bothers her, and she doesn't say anything to me. But I tell her how she isn't acting like she cares, but she says she does.


    3. I get upset way to easly. I need help somehow, but I don't know yet.


    Those are really the only things wrong with this relationship. And there is so many other things that are good about it.


    1. We love each other very much, and I do believe she does love me.


    2. 90% of the time we arn't having problem, we always happy.


    3. When were together we both are happy, and laughing, and just having fun.


    I need help with the problems we do have, cause those are big problems.

    So anyone help please, and tell me what you think of our relationship.


  2. This is reallly killing me, me and my girlfriend have decided to take a break, so we broke up to work on our friendship, and she was all worried I wouldn't want to get back together with her, or I would find another girlfriend, but I know I wouldn't. BUt now that we have, shes acting like shes already over me, and I feel like she wouldn't care we got back together or not, and I'm freaking out right now, everything is just bringing me down, I feel like I've got nothing, I feel like I'm dieing or something. I hate this.


    I will put up a message she sent me, and to me it sounds like she wouldn't care if we got back together and she just wants to stay friends:


    "HEY josh just want you to know that i still love you and care about you so much..THat song i told you about i mean that im still here just not as close..lol i guess idk anyway hope you had a good v-day..Love you..cant wait to give you your v-day present...(kiss) I love you!!"


    The whole thing about her not being there for me as close really hurts me...

    I don't know what to do or how to fix this, cause she says she wants to get together again, but then she makes me feel like she doesn't want anything to do with me...

    Someone help meee.

  3. I try to talk to her about this, but it makes her feel bad, and it does get her mad, and right now I just got off the phone with her and it was just so weird... I didn't like it. I don't know what to say or anything. And she doesn't know waht to do. I know what would help, is if she just stopped. But she sees nothing wrong with it and she said she would stop maybe, but if she did, I wouldn't believe her cause of the past, and it's just so easy to lie about this... And also she doesn't do well with working out problems, shes very independent. And she keeps her feelings to herself, and well... I'm the exact oppsite.


    I really don't know what to do. I did go to a counsiler(However you spell it). And I told him about everything, like mine and her past, and the only thing he could say was for me to break up with her... and I don't know. I don't want too.


    I wish there was somethign I knew, that would fix this.

  4. Ehhh, it's still bothering me... *Sigh* I talk to her about it, and it hurts her that I feel that way, and she doesn't really want to do anything sexual with me for alittle bit. And she says she feels bad, and she says she shouldn't be feeling bad cause she did nothing wrong.


    I wish I would stop feeling this way. I know why I do, but now I need to fix it...

  5. OMg kellbell... Thats what it is... Hah.


    I didn't feel like this before she did all these thigns and I wouldn't have a problem with it if I had a different gf and she did it... Oh wow. I see now. Thanks kellbell.


    Hmmm. I feel better now. Thanks everyone. Especially kellbell.

  6. Okey, my girlfriend and I just had a fight about this. I know almost everyone does it. I know my girlfriend does it, and I learned that she uses a Object... and that just made me feel like , it made me mad, it made me jealous, and it hurt me, and it makes me feel disgused. And I told her how I feel about it, and shes mad and it hurt her. But it makes me not want to touch her or anything... and I don't know why. I wish I didn't feel this way, and I wish she didn't do this. Cause everything that me and her have done together doesn't come close to what she can do to herself. And it makes me feel like she doesn't need me.


    She says it takes time for me and her to learn what each other like.. and I understand that, but I need to stop feeling this for now cause it makes me not want to even look at her. Please help.

  7. Okey, I need help. I hate feeling jealous, and hurt and just eehhh, for no reason.


    Today, I learned that my girlfriends friend, that is a boy is going to ask her to the prom, and that really makes me jealous, and it hurts me, and I'm crying, and Ifeel like I can't take it if that happeneds. And I know it's a stupid reason for like crap over. She tells me it's just her friend, they grew up together, they are like brother and sister. I feel alittle better, but I still feel like crap. I feel like I wanna break up with her, but I know its a stupid reason. I know it's going to hurt me to know that she is going to be spending the night at his house, (NOt alone of course, but with her mom and his mom), and they are going to go to the prom and dance and just have a good time, while I sit here and dieeeee, I Don't wanna feel that way. and it's also going to be on our 1 year anniversary. I need someone to tell me something, something that will make me feel better that will tell me I'm wrong or right? about all this...

  8. Hello everyone


    Kay, well I have emotion problems, and I don't know what it is, I guess its anxiety, or whatever but I dunno, hopeing someone on here can tell me whats wrong with me.


    Well, I've done this alot for about 2 years, sometimes I wake up during the night, freaked out like I'm scared or something, and I cry, and my heart is beating really fast and I feel really worried or scared, like my life is about to end, and it done this last night, and I'm finnaly wanting to know what it is. I think it might be that I'm worrying, but I don't know what it has to do with my sleep. It usally happens on a sunday, and its always at night. And it happens when i try to go to sleep early, like before I'm supose too. I really don't know what it is, can someone tell me?


    Let me explain last night. I wasn't happy last night, me and my girlfriend got kinda in a fight, but we got kinda better. But I had to go to sleep, and all night I kept thinking about her, and wanting her, and I was worrying about her, I love her very much, and I tryed to go to sleep, and it happened. Then when it happeneds I'm scared to go to sleep again. So I started to cry, and I felt better when I texted her on her phone. So yeah....


    Help please, thanks.

  9. I try to not feel sad but I can't, a little bit ago, I was talking to her about, you see, she can't help me with, and it hurts me, she wants to, but she doesn't know how. So with this I tryed something new, I started asking questions about him and stuff, you know, to make me feel like I'm just over reacting, and that he didn't mean anything by it or something like that. But when I started to do that, she said to me. "Why do you keep asking questions if you know they are going to hurt you?" And It hurt me and I'm like crying and stuff. I feel like crap, and I don't know why it hurt me so much. Somebody tell me that. And I just feel like I want to die. I need help.

  10. Hello everyone, just want to say thanks to everyone that reads this. Anyways, to the point.


    Okay, I've been going out with my girlfriend Raechel for 7 months, and every month, it gets worse. Tell me what you think of our relationship so far.


    For the first several months we were okey. You see I'm a very jealous person, and I take little nonimportant things to heart. I love this girl very much, and I know she loves me also. Just sometimes she does stupid things and she doesn't think, like one time at the first of october, she decides to do something stupid, She tells me she can't see me one friday because her and her mom have to go to her mom's friend's birthday party, so I can't see her, well I was alittle disapointed but I was okey. I told her on the phone that friday that I willl call her on her cell phone a couple of times just to say hi, and she said ok. Well, the whole night she never picks up, once. So I kept trying to call her, and she never did, till about two in the morning, I call her house and her mom picks up, I ask for Raechel, but her mom says she spent the night with a friend, so right there I learned she lied to me. The next day she calls me wanting to see me, and I told her I knew she lied to me, then she explained she didn't want to tell me cause I would of been upset, (I would of been alittle but nothing like I was then). She told me that she wasn't ever going to go with her mom, she was going to a party with her friends the whole time, but she didn't get signal, and when she did and I called she wouldn't pick up cause I would figure out what happened. So I forgave her, but never forgot. Then after that we were having little problems every now and then, but never anything serious, then November 16, And we went to this church thingy, and they had a band playing, (I've told people about this in another topic). Well, it was okey at first, then we all had to move into the big building to watch these people play. And I guess one of the guys was hot, cause the girls really liked him, and I noticed Raechel wasn't hardly paying attention to me, she was stareing at the guy the whole time, and finally at the end when it was all over, I just wanted to leave, but instead she left me to go be with her friends, which were flocking around that guy, and they were just talking to him forever, so I sat down and waited for her to come back, she would every now and then, but finally she just stayed up there for about 15mins while I sat in the back forgotten. So after all that was over I drove home crying, cause I was hurt as hell. Then I talked to my mom about it, and she said that Raechel disrespected me, and I talked to Raechel after talking to my mom and talked forever, almost breaking up. But we got over it, I forgave her again, but still not forgotten. After that we've been having lots of problems, just constantly having problems with something, till last friday, I talked to my mom, and she talked to her mom about all that has happened, and me and her finally got better and we were happy again like when we first started going out. But now something else is starting. Remember me telling you I was really jealous, well, thats where it comes in. Raechel has a guy friend named Tyler and I don't like him cause he's really clingy to people, and he clings to Raechel alot and is always messing with her, and she did like him last year for about a week. And this has been happening for along time, just never got this bad, and I need to stop getting mad, or jealous, or whatever, cause I know she loves me, and I know she doesn't have any feelings for him. But I know she likes him, and I know I can't control what people feel, but I really wish he would disappear, cause he's the only problem right now. So like I said, last friday me and her talked to our moms, and I was over the whole tyler thing, so I started to trust her aroudn him. But today, she called me after school, she was walking to the bus, she was with her friend laura, and tyler was just kinda behind them following. And I heard him yell at me that Raechel was with him... and it fricken started it all over again, I feel jealous, pissed off, and if I saw him, I would probably kick his * * *. So right now, I can't take it, I need help with this I want to cry, but I can't. I wan't to fricken get over this, and... I dunno. I love her more than anything, I know she wouldn't ever cheat on me. But I hate that guy.


    So tell me, what do you think of our relationship so far, with all the problems of the past, and the present ones. What would you do? How would you feel with all this? Tell me what you think, and give advice to help me with my emotions. Thanks everyone for reading.

  11. Hello everyone


    Uhm, me and my girlfriend have been going out for about 6 1/2 months now, and it's been good up till the first of this week... shes been acting weird, and she doesn't know why, she said I've been annoying her, and her mom has, and just everyone. Then yesterday, we went to a small concert and I guess one of the guys was 'hot' and she was eyeing him the whole time, and just ignoring me alot and just leaving me to be with her friends. Then at the end when it was all over, you could go talk to the band members if you want and stuff, and she left me once again to go with her friends and to talk to him. She didn't even think how I would feel. Now I'm sorry, I get jealous really easly, and I've been trying to fix that. But last night was to much. I told her everything how I felt, she said she was sorry, she said she just wasn't thinking, cause when she gets excited she doesn't think, and then asked if I wanted to break up with her, and I don't. I love her, I forgive what she had done. But since yesterday me and her have both been feeling akward and weird and I don't know why... and I don't know how to fix it. Are we falling apart, or is this normal or what? i'm going to see her tonight and hope this feeling will go away, but I dunno.

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