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Posts posted by beerman

  1. Would someone please define the following term for me. I have apparently been out of the dating pool too long.


    "Casual Relationship"


    I see this term used on a number of online dating services but can't seem to put my finger on exactly what it is these folks are looking for.


    Thanks All!!

  2. I will join in on this conversation. I am getting ready to file divorce papers today and my ex-to-be are still living in the same house. As you can imagine, we both go about our business without much regard for each other except when it comes to the kids.


    I am really wrestling with the whole dating thing. Part of me wants to get out there and meet new people and another part of me wants to curl up in the corner and wait until the pain heals. I am longing for female companionship and know I need to wait until things settle down a bit.

  3. Hi Guys - Thanks for all your input!!


    LostInMyThoughts - There is a strip club that I haven't been to in the area. Might have to give that a try. Might be fun!


    Robo - The kids are handling this way better than I am. They are being so level-headed it is frightening. I keep waiting for one of them to have a bad moment and it just doesn't happen, which is a good thing. At this point I am not looking for a new wife - just someone to have dinner and drinks with.


    Markman - She can't move in with the neighbor due to the fact that the neighbor had to go live with mommy and him mommy is very unhappy that he tore apart two families (she is a good woman!!! : ) Part of me agrees with you in terms of steering clear.


    Captain - you are right on with the custody thing. I want joint custody. I am not having too much trouble being the bigger person right now, she is making that really easy. : )

  4. I am in the middle of getting divorced after a 15 year marriage. The situation is a little odd in that we are both still living in the same house (per my attorney's advice). My soon to be ex informed me she was in love with the neighbor on December 14th and that she wanted a divorce. Needless to say, the Holiday's sucked. Anyway, she is carrying on with her new friend like an 8th grader (going out all the time, talking to him on the phone every night...) and I am struggling big time. I am really starting to feel really lonely. I have 11 year old twins which help keep me busy but during the down time it would be really nice to have some adult female company.


    I don't have a lot of female friends to talk too and the last thing I want is some rebound romance. So, should I try to find a date or should I just suffer through this loneliness hoping things will improve? Any advice is welcome! Thanks!!!!!!!

  5. I pretty much figured this is the advice I would receive. Guess I just needed to hear it from someone else.


    Aurian - I suppose my name is a little misleading, while I enjoy drinking beer once in a while, I like brewing my own as well. That's where the name comes from.

  6. As I noted in a previous post, my wife of 15 years informed me she wanted a divorce last week. Anyway, my questions is to those of you that have been through the emotional rollercoaster of the first week or so. I have an office party tomorrow afternoon and I am really afraid to have a few drinks knowing that alcohol is a depressant. I am not a heavy drinker but have been know to tie one on now and then. What do you think, will a few drinks help me relax or send me into a tailspin?

  7. I guess I better find an attorney if mediators can't handle the children.


    Melrich - That's the type of info I am looking for. Thanks! You are correct, I found almost the exact type of info on the internet.


    Ash - I am not really worried about the stuff, my biggest concern is the kids. She says she would agree to joint custody but the look in her eyes tells me something different, besides, I don't trust a word she says right now. I have a better paying job but she makes enough to support the kids half the time and me the other half.


    This whole thing really sucks! I hate being blindsided, especially by something like this!

  8. Last week my wife of 15 years informed that she has feelings for another (my neighbor, who I considered a good friend, of all people) and he feels the same for her. To make a long story shorter, I should have seen it coming but I didn't because I didn't think my wife would ever do anything like this.


    So, divorce is forthcoming and I need to know how to tell my 11 year old twins. I have been crusing the internet searching for ideas and found a few good ideas but would like some true life help.


    Second - I want this divorce to go a smoothly as possible and have considered using a mediator to handle everything. Problem is, I don't even know if that is possible. I would prefer to do this without an attorney if I can. Any advice is welcome.


    Thank you!

  9. You both have provided some wonderful ideas. Right now, I would have to say I am having a lot of fun with my sons baseball team. I enjoy spending time with not only my son but all the boys teaching them baseball. Other than that most tasks feel like drugery. There aren't many things that make me feel happy. Guess I need some time to really pay attention to what makes me happy and concentrate on those things.


    As I sit here typing this response, there are things running through my mind that are probably not appropriate for this thread that may be contributing to me not feeling real great about life right now. That and the fact that I seem more depressed that normal today may not make for a great time for me to address all the details right now. Thank you both for your help. I do appreciate it!!!

  10. What makes me happy is knowing that I'm doing something worthwhile. Have you tried volunteering somewhere? Knowing that you are affecting others in a positive way is a great way to feel good about yourself.


    When I was your age I used to volunteer as well so I know that feeling. At this point in my life I don't have time. Too many kid activities. I guess I do volunteer coach a 12 year old baseball team.



  11. For about the last 6 years I have this perpetual feeling that I am not happy and I am missing something in life. Actually, it is a feeling that I am just existing and not really living. I am actually taking medication to help level out and not be so moody and depressed. They help some.


    Background - I am over 40, been married for 15 years and have 12 year old twins. We live in an upper middle class home and the wife and I both have decent jobs, lots of friends and bored is not a term that enters our vocabulary. So, everything would seem to be going well.


    Problem is, I don't think I am happy. On the flip side, I don't know what would make me happy. I guess I have a good case of the grass is greener but I am smart enough to know that, for the most part, the grass is not greener in most cases.


    So, if you consider yourself happy, could you tell me what makes you feel that way. Thanks!

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