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Everything posted by snowking

  1. snowking


    Update: I was talking to my friends about this girl, and they said she was too shy to ask me to do anything because of what other people would think. I then took the initiative and asked her to come over for a movie on the weekend. She hasn't said anything yet. Peace Out - Snowking
  2. Blonde, brown, black, red, dosn't really matter. As long as it isn't something weird like emo style or pink or something.
  3. snowking


    That was a differnent girl. I was using her as an example.
  4. snowking


    Bah, I just don't know! I have a phatty dilemma now, start to get to know this girl who I'm not sure likes me, or go after this girl who lives in a nother city about 1 hour away. I had a crush on years ago, but she moved away. I just recently got in touch with her, and she still looks amazing and is extremely fun to talk to. We've been flirting back and forth and I know she likes me; she is always asking me when im going to visit her etc., but I'm not sure if I should actually go out there and visit her or pursue the one in town. I know this girl likes me. Do I try to go for the girl in town and if sh*t hits the fan, fall back on the girl I know likes me? I would just feel guilty that this girl was my "fallback" girl just to boost my self-esteem. I really do like them both! I just dont know what to do.
  5. snowking


    I'm a Sr. in highschool and I have dated before but this time I can't tell. I just recently started hanging out with a new group of friends and I noticed this amazingly attractive girl. I think she is REALLY shy, shyer then me even. She will walk up beside me all the time and not say a word, but I will at least try and squeak out a feeble "Hi." She is in one of my classes and I always catch her looking at me, or she catches me looking at her. She always sits near me and she has slowly moved right beside me in one of my classes. She has started to talk to me in class, but only to ask for an answer or help or something. She won't talk to me anymore then she'll talk to any other guy, but I believe it's so they dont catch on she likes me. I'm also the same way though, I don't talk to her more then I do any other girl. At a party just last weekend we were drinking and she finally opened up a bit, and so did I. She kept on hitting me in the stomach with this smile on her face. It reminded me of grade school where a girl would always pick on you and chase you around cause they liked you, and vice-versa. I finally got the nerve to start hitting on her all night, poking fun at her at how small she was etc. When the police arrived she didn't even say good-bye just left. So I'm wondering, is this her attempt at flirting with me because she likes me? or is she just trying to be nice? If I do ask her out I think she won't give me an answer because she is so shy, and then proceed to tell all of her girlfriends who blab constantly. This has happened to me before when a girl liked me, and I could really tell the signs were obvious, but when I asked her out in front of her friends, they all giggled and she didn't answer me, she gave me an " I dunno, I'll talk to you later, text me." Then the next day all the girls were like, "So you asked her out heheeh," like I wasn't good enough for her, or they were jealous or something. I dunno, women are confusing as hell. Your feedback would greatly be appreciated. Peace Out! - Snowking
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