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Posts posted by Lifesvictim01

  1. why did you come here if its not help you want? you obv want someone to talk you out of it ? or you just want to let eveyone know your hurting? I think if you finally decide to leave earth you will not need this website as it wont matter what others think, when you need to leave then that is what you will do.

  2. Alot of us are fed up with life, bottom line is talking about it all helps, but if its deep rooted misery only you can fix it, no one else can, we are given life but if we are miserable everyday we can choose to put up with it or not, no one else can decide for us. some of us can fix our lifes others cant........

  3. You must do what you feel is right for YOU, he aint coming back to you so you accept it and move on or you give up, whatever it is you must do what suits you. only you have to live your pain no one else so you must make your choices.

  4. so is there something to make you feel tighter so that a guy with smaller penis fits better ? ?It cant surely be just upto the guy to have big chunky penis ? too much is focused on the guy , it should work boths ways dont you think ? I herd that younger girls have tighter vaginas is this myth

  5. Iv just been reading a post about guys with small penis ?, but iv never seen a post about women whos vaginas are not tight anymore ?


    how do you satisfy a man if he cant penetrate due to the vagina becoming too loose?


    what makes a tight vagina become a loose vagina ? I know its not child birth so what is it.


    how can you satify your man when its not tight fit anymore?

  6. I was wondering as I have a mother who is obsessed with her looks and spends vast ammounts on Botox and such things becaise I would assume she is scared out of her mind of looking old.


    you also hear of men leaving there middle aged wifes for younger women alot so I would like to hear from women about how they truly feel about getting wrinkles and things that come with ageing, Im not a teenager anymore myself im 37


    has anyone considerd suicide due to not being able to cope with what was once a youthfull face is now turning into something else?


    has anyone been dumped by there man once they started to age?

    do you spend thousands on things to take away wrinkles and uplift your face?

    do you feel you are no longer worth loving as you look old ? or do you feel no man will find you attractive now.


    it really bothers me that everything seems to be youth driven these days so want to see if my thoughts are just my own


    are there men out there who find women still attractive even though they have wrinkles ect ?



  7. was there as much crime then? how was society in general? we are given more now to make our lives more *comfortable* but is this helping in other areas of life.


    There appears to be no sense of community now and you hear of people standing to oneside watching as another gets murdered or raped in the street or on a bus? would this of happened 100 years ago?


    did people feel safe enough to leave there front doors open 100 years ago?

    is this the answer to problems in society to provide material items and decadent lifestyles? I would hope there was more to life than that.


    what has happened to humanity.

  8. well englishwoman41 things have moved on so far sinse then havnt they. now we have all these somewhat decadent lifestyles,I maybe poor but in other countrys I would seem rich? I do see the suffering of others and that just makes things appear more gloomy rather than stir my mood to higher planes. nothing seems to strike me as possitive and I can not see any goals for something to make things better? not just in my sittuation but in general.


    There seems to be many unhappy people and much suffereing or is this just a depressed persons outlook ? is it real in comparison to the big picture?

    things seem to be going from bad to worse in the world.

  9. well, what has kept me going is quite bizarre, I lose myself into a fantasyworld ( virtual world ) there is a term that was used for this by my shrink when I saw him years ago, he called it something to do with distancing yourself from reality. so I guess that is what I do, as reality I can not cope with as im sure thousands of others also cant.

  10. what stuff have you felt? im hanging in here but dont know for how long, I guess if my partner left me or my health got worse ( which it is slowly) I will be more possitive towards self destruct.


    I often visit this website link removed


    when I read about the poor familys/ partners/sons daughters/brothers ect here it makes me think twice but im not sure how long that will last. who would morn my leaving the planet?


    do you think society today are mainly only interested in self indulgent existences? this world seems to protect the rich and powerful at the expence of the poor and vulnerable? or am i missing something as im sure I am closed away here, is my view on things clouded by my own problems?

  11. my reason for life-

    well i really never knew what my life was about up until recently.

    My bestfriend just died in a horrible car accident. i would always talk to her about everything; life, relationships, family. EVERYTHING.

    Now thats she passed alot of the stuff i want to do is for her.

    I want to make her proud and stand my own ground for her.

    Alot of the advice she gave me im using till this day.


    so my point of life is to be happy and healthy. thats its, plain and simple.

    so thats all i really want out of life. i dont take anything for granted, i love my family and friends in my life and i wouldnt change it for the world.


    How does it make any sense to have someone die in order to give another a purpose in life?](*,)

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