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Everything posted by chelly

  1. tell him how I feel as in "I'm in love with you"?... or something like it without saying those words? Cuz i would think that if I said "I love you" it would freak him out if he wasn't ready/didn't mean it? It's already driving me crazy haha!
  2. OMG! I thought it was just me thinking these things! Right now i'm thinking... "why isn't he running away from me after I told him everything that's wrong with me..." "does he love me back" "i love him.... o god... I love him. I love him?" think about him all day...all night... every love song...every love movie... every couple i see... all the time... "he's gunna run like crazy when he gets to know the REAL me" etc etc etc
  3. Ok...here's the fast story. I met this guy about a month ago and, although it sounds slightly crazy, have fallen for him. I think I knew from the beginning but it took until recently to be able to admit it to myself. I got out of a long, and bad, relationship not too terribly long before I met him. I have never felt like this in my life... it feels like we're connected on such a deep level. In short... I'm crazy about him! We went out this weekend and had a few drinks and later on, he said "I think I love you" and as a split second reactions I said "what?" and he was like "nothing". I told him I heard him but I didn't tell him I loved him right back because I didn't know if I was ready. I know I'm head over heels for this guy and I wanted to say it but was scared. I did say it a few minutes later. After that, we both sort of pretended nothing happened. Did he get scared? Maybe he realized that he was just under the influence of alcohol and regretted saying it...? I want to ask if he remembers it and meant it... I think he did but I don't want to pressure him about it and force it out of him if he's not ready yet. What should I do?
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