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Posts posted by libra77

  1. Me and my ex have been over for a couple of years now, we still stay in touch because of our children. We are peaceful towards each other but we both have a hard time looking at each other when we have to see each. We are both in other relationships but I still have feelings for him and I think he still has feelings for me but not 100% sure. He recently moved and he asked me if I need his new address so I could drop the kids off with him over the holidays and I told him I would get it at later date, well this morning I texted him so I could get his new address, the last time he moved he texted me with his address, which made it easy to keep up with. Anyway when I asked him for his new address on the text I also put LY at the end of it. He called back and spoke to the kids and gave them his new address and told them to tell me of the change in plans of the drop off, which he never does that, we always talk to confirm the time and what not. My question is why would he not want to talk to be about the change with me? Could it be because of what I put at the end of the text. If so then why? If it bothered him that much then he would have told me not to do that again, right?


    I would just like to have some advice on this and see what guys think of this, and even some girls who have may have been in this situation before. thanks

  2. I went to my company x-mas party over the weekend and I noticed something that my boss did to me but not anyone else. I was standing with a couple of my friends and my boss caming up behind be and started to rub my back for a few seconds but didn't really say anything, such as hello or anything like that. He didn't even look at me when I looked to see who it was that was touching me. He looked ahead and acknowledged someone else. I also noticed that he didn't do this to anyone else the entire evening.

    Should I be concerned about his intentions toward me? I just thought that it was odd for him to act this way toward me and not to anyone else.

    He is a friendly guy and treats everyone fairly, IMO.

    We have gotten along great since he has come to the company, so maybe he just feels comfortable around me?? Help,advice or thoughts, please!! Thanks.

  3. I have never had a fwb before, this is my first and it kind of came by accident. Anyway, the reason I'm confused is because he has told me he loves me, the first time he told me this, I asked him and he just kind of meant in a friend way, but that was before our "relationship" took the turn that it did. He told me he loves me a few weeks ago and he has been a little more "attentive" toward me and plus one of our mutual friends told him that they were going to set me up with someone and he got "flustered" and was just rambling on about the topic.


    And yeah, he is not shy about when he wants us to hook up, which really isn't all that often.

  4. I would like some opinions on this one. My FWBs recently sent me a picture of his private area. We have not talked about becoming anything more, so I'm wondering what was this about. As far as I know, usually fwbs don't do this. Am I right or wrong? If I am right than what does this mean? I know that there has to be a lot of trust for him to do that and I have talked to a couple of my friends about this and they are thinking that he may want to move us to a different statis,(ie bf/gf). I'm not sure. guys can you please give me your opinion on this. Would you send pix like this to your fwb or does there have to me more feelings there on your part?



  5. Ok here is a little back ground on my situation. I have a couple of close friends, which mean the world to me. However, me and my guy friend are pretty close. He is closer to me than anyone else in the group. He is sweet and caring guy and shows it. We have made out on one occasion and we even talked about it afterwards. He use to flirt with me a lot more than what he has done in the past week. He has shown me more attention than our other friends and he will let me know that he missed me. Not coming out and saying it but in a round about way. Everything was fine until a few days ago. He seems distant when there are people around but when we get a chance to e-mail or talk one on one, he is his usual self. I have talked to a couple of my friends and they think that maybe he is just acting that way around people, so they don't know that he likes me. If he shows more attention to me than he does other people than that will cause people to talk. He likes to keep his personal things private and I can see where they are coming from. I guess I just need to know what are some signs to look for coming from him, if he really cares for and likes me? I plan on talking to him about this but finding the right time is sometimes very hard. In the meantime, I would like to get some opinions of this.

  6. I am sorry to say this, but it sounds like he is still married, no ex, they may have gone away on a trip or something or he just moved into your area when you first met and know his family is joining him after they settled things where they once lived. You may have been a "fill in" while he was there on his own. If I am wrong, either way you deserve someone better. who will want to be with you and love you and not treat like a doormat. You should just forget about this jerk and find a really caring and nice guy. They are out there just be patient and enjoy your life and it will come..... one day. Good luck and stay strong.

  7. The reason I didn't talk to him at the party was because he looked very upset(mad). It seemed to me that we both had an understanding that it would have been uncomfortable for us to be the way we are when it is just us, compared to how we act when there other people around. Yes, it is true that the way we act with each other is different when we are alone or with other people. He has a wall put up and he doesn't let a lot of people in and he is very careful about the way he acts when people are around him and they don't know how he truly is. I am the same way to a degree.

  8. I have a friend who is married, and lives in a different part of the state than where I live. My friend moved away a few months ago and we have been emailing each other. I believe that the spouse knows nothing of the emails between us. I have thought that in the past that there was more than just friends between us, but since he is married nothing has come of it and nothing ever will, because of his statis. I guess my question is, Are we doing anything wrong? I really enjoy our exchanges and we have a lot of laughs together. I didn't think anything was wrong until one time we were at a party and his wife was also there and we didn't even talk to each other or anything. I thought maybe this was a sign that there is more there than what I thought. Wrong or right? I hope that someone can give me some advice on this, cause I really enjoy our friendship, but I don't want to ruin a marriage either.

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