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Posts posted by pattty333

  1. I think that you need to be somewhat attracted to the guy to be in a serious relationship with someone. It sounds bad, but its true. If he is that unbearable, where you need to cover his picture with your fingers, then you know theres a huge problem there. Have you tried giving the relationship a chance? If so, and it doesn't work, you need to be honest with yourself no matter how good of a guy he is and find someone else.

  2. Hey, I read some of the replys about your issue. Personally (after going through this myself from your girlfriend's POV) I feel that if it upsets her this much, you should try to stop it once and for all. Or, try to look at her from her side. Would you feel comfortable if she did the same? Would you feel comfortable if she gets off to other guys? If you don't feel like that is something you can do, then be honest with her. I feel like porn is okay only if your partner thinks its okay. But if she doesn't approve of this and you're telling her that you're not looking at porn anymore, then you should keep your word. I've been with my bf for two years and recently I found out that he has this type of porn addiction and it really hurts me. Its been about a month since I've found out and it still hurts me very much. Personally, I dont think it'll hurt me this much, if only he was honest about it. Be Honest and treat her how you want to be treated.

  3. Thank you for all the concerns and advices you've given me. This sure helps me see a lot of different aspects people have on this. To update everyone on this, I"ve decided to give him a second chance. Since then, hes given me unlimited access to his phone records to prove himself. However, this is not something I want to do, I do not want to "check" his phone bills every month. Though I decided I want to be with him, I'm still pretty devasted about this issue. When were talking and going out, our relationship seems good. But when hes at work or at home (when hes not with me), I wonder what hes doing or if hes making those calls. I have fears that if I do check his phone records that I'll see those numbers again. I know this is not healthy, I wonder if I'll ever be able to trust him again. Also, I went out a couple nights ago and met several different guys. Though it was all innocent, I told him what I did and he was really upset. I began to feel really bad. This pushed me to give him a second chance b/c I know I still care about him and don't want to ever hurt him. Anyone out there, who's given their partner a second chance in a relationship, please advice.

  4. This is the second time I'm posting this... I would like a little advice. I'm 23 years old. A couple days ago, I found out that my boyfriend of over 2 years has been calling these dating services to listen to women's advertisements to get off. I looked at his phone bill (which is something I've never done) and noticed that there are calls for over an hour to these services. I noticed that some of calls were placed at 3 in the morning. The billing dates back to 2005 and it appears that for 2 whole years I've been dating him, he's been doing this. Another addition to this story is that I discovered picture text messages between my boyfriend and one particular number. I asked him for the truth and he didn't immediately tell me the truth. I made up some random lie about porn pictures. And he finally admitted that he sent a couple of nude pictures of himself and also received nude photos of one of the girls he met on those chat rooms. What should I do now? He's everything I can ask for in a boyfriend and he treats me good. He told me that it means nothing more than just getting off to these advertisements. I told him how hurt and bothered I was about this. He wants a second chance and promised me that he will not ever make these calls again. He told me that he doesn't think its healthy and that everytime he did it, he feels disguisted with himself. I love him still but don't know if I can ever trust him again. I'm seeking advice on whether or not I should continue the relationship with him. Thank you for any responses/advices. Anybody with past experience or just to offer comfort is welcome.

  5. Thank you for the replies. I want to forgive him but can't bring myself to it. He calls me constantly saying that hes changed and that he'll spend as along as it takes to convince me of this. I'm really close to his family and knows all his friends. Over the course of our 2 year relationship, I"ve never done anything to shame him or cheated on him. I was so dedicated to him. I'm a girl that goes out clubbing and partying a lot (all in good fun though) and never did cheating ever cross my mind. I don't even dance with guys. I dont deserve this and especially knowing that he's done this throughout our relationship. To me, all the "i love you" and memories are not real. But deep down inside, I know hes a good guy. Now, like the others have said, its pretty much cheating. I just don't know if I can continue a relationship with him and trust him again. Thank you for listening.

  6. My name is Patty and I'm 23 years old. A couple days ago, I found out that my boyfriend of over 2 years has been calling these dating services to listen to women's advertisements to get off. I looked at his phone bill (which is something I've never done) and noticed that there are calls for over 50 minutes to these services. I noticed that some of calls were placed at 3 in the morning. The billing dates back to 2005 and it appears that for 2 whole years I've been dating him, he's been doing this. Another addition to this story is that I discovered picture text messages between my boyfriend and one particular number. I asked him for the truth and he didn't immediately tell me the truth. I made up some random lie about porn pictures. And he finally admitted that he sent a couple of nude pictures of himself and also received nude photos of one of the girls he met on those chat rooms. What should I do now? He's everything I can ask for in a boyfriend and he treats me good. He told me that it nothing more than just getting off to these advertisements. I told him how hurt and bothered I was about this. He wants a second chance and promised me that he will not ever make these calls again. He told me that he doesn't think its healthy and that everytime he did it, he feels disguisted with himself. I love him still but don't know if I can ever trust him again. I'm hurting so much inside. Is this a form of cheating? Thank you for any responses/advices.

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