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Posts posted by misstash

  1. I had anorexia and as much as I hate to admitt it, If my parents didn't drag me to hospital and make me stay there for two months , I wouldn't be alive today.

    If you really care for your friend (like you do by saying 'she will get help when she wants to') then drag her by her hair to the hospital and have her admitted because she will lose control and end up dying.

  2. There is this guy at my work that I am in LOVE with (well, OK

    Here is the situation :

    I followed him down the stairs like just to try and 'accidentaly' bump into him, anyway, he went off somewhere else so I grabbed a coffee and when I was about to go up in the lifts he appears!!! Anyway he was about to take the stairs when he saw me then he held to lift door for me and came into it with me. In the lift he said "Someone said you wrote a couple stories in a couple of big magazine, is that true?" and I said "Oh yeah (giggle)" He goes "Sorry, I must admitt I havn't read any of them" I said "Good, don't, I rather my friends don't know me from something i've written or done" (we both laughed) he goes "I wrote a small snip in one of those once" I go "really" "Yeah!"


    OK Smart Guys, Tell me, would he have asked about me to know about my 'celebrity' status??? (dun laugh!!!)

    He followed me into the lift???

    Little things like that???

    OMG please help me to find out if he feels the same way!!!

    -What should I say?

    -How can I 'accidentaly' bump into him??? (we are on oppsite ends of the office)

    -How can I tell if he likes me?

    -Should I (when i see him) talk to him for a while to find out about him?


    It's in your hands

  3. Hey Man,

    You must be like 15 or 14 or something?

    Yeah I remember validating every single grimice or idiosyncracie a guy would make like that

    Seriously you'll loook back on this situtation in like 5 years and go "OMG, why didn't I just tell him that I liked him?" But at this very present moment it doesn't feel right and your too embarressed incase he doesn't end up returning the compliment.

    I think (and believe me) you willfell ssoo much better, no matter how scary, awful or terrifying this sounds, I think that you should just casually mention to him in a conversation that you think he's cute and that you two should 'get together' one time.

    Very casual, and cool and see what he says, your NOT asking him out your just seeing if he wants to come and spend some time with you.

    Yes your heart will be beating at such an enourmous speed that it'll feel like it's about to explode but once it's all over you will breathe a sigh of relief because you will regret it MORE if you don't say anything and then he ends up dating someone else....

    Good Luck.


  4. Hey,

    I'm a 16 yr old girl and (I'm not just blowing my own horn here) I'm incredibly mature.

    Only child , grew up with adults, work with adults and my current job doesn't know that I'm under 18 (you have to be over 18 to to work there)

    In fact, I'm a helluva lot more mature then most of my work mates.

    My best mate is 25 and we get along so well.

    My mum is totally cool with me dating someone older then me but I just want to know generally what do guys think of it?

    I wouldn't date anyone older then 25 but how would I approach the guy when I tell him how old I was?

    Do you think it's wrong?

    Would they pressure me to have sex?

    I feel a little confused but I'm so attracted to a couple of guys at work


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