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Everything posted by carameldreams

  1. Ive been engaged 7months and I have had a male friend in my life for over 18months... He's been around alot more, there was history there between us but i never acted on it then I met my fiance... My friend popped back in my life a few months ago. Was good to hear from him, then he made it clear he had unfinished business with us. He tried kissing me and I backed off and said cya later... He apologised. I accepted that and left it at that. He invited me to his house we hung out and chatted like friends do all was good.. The he invited me over again this time he kissed me... tried to stop it but he wouldnt let it be hed stop for 5mins then go at it again... I wanted it just as much as he did was it worth it? yes and know thats horrible and would I do it again? NO WAY!!!!! My partner cheated on me and i know what it does to a person which is why i cant comprehend why i did it... I feel so bad... Feel free to call me what you want... nothing will make me feel any worse Should I tell my partner what happened?
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