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Posts posted by AdarkerBean

  1. I know how this feels.

    I don't know how old you are, but I'm pretty sure that no matter what I can relate to this.


    My father passed away last october 15th.

    It hasn't even been a year yet, and I never properly grieved over his death.

    I live in Nova Scotia and he lived in Ontario.

    I talked to him everyday, but the last week of his life I did not bother to call.

    I regret that more then I've ever thought I would.

    For me, things will never ever be the same, because I can't call him up and talk to him about my day, and I can't ask for a ticket to fly up and see him.

    But I know for sure he knows I love him, and Im sure that you're mom knows the same.

    It's really amazing of you to name your daughter after her.

    & I really think that what your feeling is normal, and I'm sure itwill always be there, but maybe it won't be as strong as it is at other times.


    Take care.

  2. I have alot of respect for you to be able to express your veiws and opionions on this.

    I respect everyone else who replied for their veiws and etc.


    Although, I, growing up with a racist family, am very immune to this type of "discrimination" so to speak. I have in the past, discriminated against someone for some reason, and it may or maynot be the same as this discussion.

    I'm not saying I agree with you, or that I disagree, but I do respect you for your capability of "admitting".

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