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Posts posted by C-A

  1. First of all, I can understand your self-esteem is down, who are the people that are around you? Its an important aspect if you have a friendly and motivating people and atmosphere around you. What I mean is your friends. Choose the people that are around you because if they bring your morale down its not good to your mental health at all. It would really dig in your mind permanently which causes all sorts of trouble like depression. Choose the place where you can meet and interact with women confortably.


    As for being a virgin, c'mon! I dont see any big fuss about it. Do you have to tell them you are a vigin??? If you are "clever" enough you could seduce a girl up to the point of "no return" even though you never had first hand experience before. Well I dont think you are that clue less when it comes to the real action. But if you are, they are alternatives to educating yourself(you know what I mean).


    Life is pessimistic, row against the waves and tides of life, be more optimistic.

  2. Thats the crap that usually happens in a LDR(LongDistanceRelationship), I've been in a LDR before and never again. LDR don't work at all, you will see a degrade in 1 year if the bond is not refreshed. Before I believed in myself that heck, its gonna work out because we are both dedicated to each other (me & her 3 hours distance) its not very far but its still a distance. A relationship also needs a physical bond and not just emotional.


    I say, give it a break since you two cant do anything about it for now. Both of you have other obligations. He's probably very stressed working abroad and its also hard for him to deal with LDR.


    Over come your emotions for him because if you let it get deep into you, its not gonna do you any good. Dont bury yourself.


    Have a serious talk with him preferably on the phone and tell him its better off for the both of you to take a temporary break until everything settles down meaning dont think about him.

  3. Hey what's up all?! I've been here a couple of times but never posted anything but here's my first question which I hope you guys can give me a little insight and input on what's up?



    Let's call the girl 'Mandy'. Well, before I got to know Mandy, she always have stared at me everytime when I notice it. I ignored it since I've got other priorities in mind. Mandy and her friends stared at me too and could it be judgemental stare? But since they are smiling I thought there was nothing wrong with it. I also began to notice that she's always in my field of vision when Im outside class just socializing with friends.



    After a few months, I kind of got curious about this girl that I never paid attention to before. I started to talk to her and she seems very charismatic and I think she's charismatic to everyone too. She's just full of joy. Anyways, she likes asking alot of questions to me and asking me why I did not or when do I take the bus and all that, etc.. She practically wanted to know everything about me. She never disagreed with me. Everytime I see her, she smiles and says hi and tries to make a conversation. The staring from her alone and also when she's with her friends from a distance kept getting more frequent and also her presense in my field of vision. Mandy just pops-out of nowhere.


    So I assumed, this girl likes me or have a crush on me. So I decided to get to know more about her. Now, I decided to get to know her too.


    Now, everytime I pursue her, she tends to get nervous and stressed. She doesnt ask me questions anymore. Once, I initiated a short conversation and ask her a simple question about if wether she's going to class then she just left for no reason. She still stares from a distance but tends to avoid to be near me but she still says hi and smile when she has no choice to avoid me.


    When Im not paying attention, ignoring her or not pursuing her, she tries to make her presense felt by any means to get my attention. Dropping pens in front of me and smiles, talking loud, turning around to stare at me and smile.


    I assume she's just very friendly to everyone and generally very charismatic person so I kind of let it drift away and not concentrate on it. But it's hard to just cancel out the signals she gave before.


    Finally, I saw her outside school but she talks more to her friend than to me. She didn't let me in the conversation, I had to jump in myself. At the end she's trying to get away from me again by saying bye and fleeing away but I asked her number for the reason of getting in touch during the summer, she got her pen and paper wrote it down quickly.


    Im thinking of asking her out next week but I have no idea if she's just being very nice and friendly to me as in friends only and doesn't like me at all or likes me in a romantic way.


    Input are very much appreciated because-me-is-confuse! Is she that naive??


    It's just I never encountered such situation in my past experiences with girls I liked.




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