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Metallica Lightning

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Posts posted by Metallica Lightning

  1. I'm not here to judge others because you can make whatever choice you want to in life.

    In my opinion, age does matter, and it isn't just a number. It's a measure of time, and maturity. Being 43 years old, I cannot see myself dating someone more than 5 years younger than me, and that's a stretch by the way.

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  2. We just asked him to please stop and explained that he is only hurting himself. His reply is "shut up b***h, f*** you!" He is currently kicking the back door - thankfully it is made of steel so he can break through that. He also threw a clock at my fiance. Remember he is 10.


    What I don't understand is why you're allowing this child to stay in your home? He hit you, called you obscene, offensive names, and you say he tried to steal from two other children? No offense to you, but extreme measures need to be taken here. Kick him out (Yes, I know he is 10), send him to Boot Camp, or for very extreme measures, call the police, or lock him up yourself.




    Taking away privleges is all well, and good, but you are going to have to go to the extreme with her. You say she's 14, and you're still giving her timeouts? She sounds very immature for her age. Take away her iPOD, basically take away everything. The law states that a parent is only supposed to provide offd and shelter.


    Good luck to you both.

  3. You are one stupid little girl. Were you inbred?

    Incase you haven't noticed, life is harsh, and you have to get through it alone or you will not survive. Obviously, I'm a * * * *, and I could care less about another's feelings, but that's what you have to do in life sister is focus on yourself, and how you're living. No one needs provision except children. If a woman expects any kind of support from me, I tell her to hit the road.

  4. What just happened to my post?


    Daligal83- Thank you very much for your insight on the emotional situation instead of the physical violence my ex and I both displayed. Sadly, I'm not sure if I'll be able to figure out Ashton's emotional problems, and at this rate, I'm not sure I want to.

  5. I never even said the word 'masculinity'! It does however show your lack of integrity and lack of strength!

    Two things that I have said before we as human beings set our own standards for. Honestly, I am not offended by someone who says I do not have integrity. To me, integrity is a ridiculous honor title that social conservatives use to judge people. So stop wasting your time by telling me that I have no "integrity," and "strength." It's really getting to the point of it being comical.

  6. Both of us had a talk with the authorities. During the middle of it, she burst into tears and started balling excessively. I found it ridiculous that she needed me so much, yet she wouldn't allow me to get close to her.

    The authorities took her away from my home, and later informed me that she is seriously emotionally disturbed. I'm not going to even try and help her now that she isn't a part of my life.


    I however am still curious about one thing though. She told the authroities that I was a horrible boyfriend and that I never supported her emotionally, or even tried to communicate with her. As I stated before, I tried t ocommunicate with her countless times, and she shoved me away. thereforeeee, I just gave up. What else was I supposed to do? Keep pursuing and getting pushed away? I think it would get annoying after a while...

  7. Yep, do her a favor and never go back to her. She deserves better.

    It's never right for anyone to hit....and at the same time, you sound proud that you hit her back! Like it makes you some sort of bigger man that you didn't let that witch get by with hitting you....


    I'm glad that I raised my son to be a real man. If a woman ever hits him, he turns and walks away. That...shows integrity and strength!


    What are you talking about? Nothing I did here has anything to do with my masculinity. You expect me to let her hit me just because she's a woman? You're entirely wrong here. I do not let ANYONE, male or female strike me without consequence. If she wants to act like a man, I'll treat her like a man.


    As far as showing integrity and strength, I think we make those standards for ourselves don't we? Real men have a pair of testicles and a penis.

  8. As far as the, "Men should never hit women thing," goes, I totally disagree. I do not treat males better than females, or vice versa. If your girlfriend attacked you, would you not defend yourself? Or would you just take it for the sake of "being a man?" I for one do not tolerate anyone hitting me. I don't give a damn about society's malformed opinion about genders, she deserved it.


    heloladies21- Thank you for your response, but however, I have one obligation. Every single time I tried to talk to her, she pushed me away, sometimes literally, and then she complains about me not supporting her emotionally, yet when I try to talk to her, I am thrown away like a popsicle stick. What did she expect me to do? I didn't want to leave her out in the cold, but I didn't want to bug her either.

  9. So, my girlfriend and I broke up last night, and boy did it end horrible...Anyway, I'll start from the beginning.

    Ashton and I had an excellent relationship in the beginning. She was everything I wanted at first. Low maintenance. Encouraging. And accepting. My kids both liked her alot, infact, my daughter often called her mom as a bit of a joke thing, even though engagement wasn't in the picture. Well, the last 3 months, Ashton seemed to be really upset. I tried talking to her about it, and she shrugged off each attempt coldly. So, I just gave up. I'm not a pursuer when it comes to relationships, if a woman plays hard to get, or shows little interest, I will immediately back off. In this case, I did the same thing. So about a month later, our relationship really died down. We called eachother maybe 4 times a week, and our conversations never lasted long. I figured she needed space, so I gave it to her, and finally last night I had her over for dinner with my ex-wife, her husband, and my children. Well, before dinner, she blasts off on me about how I've been unsupportive of her, how I forgot to get her anything on Valentine's Day (Which is a big joke), and how I've been so unemotional. I told her that she wouldn't talk to me, so I thought she needed space. Told her that she didn't need my support, and I told her that I didn't even recognize Valentine's Day as a holiday.

    So, then she slapped me in the face. And I smacked her back. I'm not one to leave a threat unanswered. Male or female, if anyone strikes me with the intent of hurting me, I will attack them. So, then she started crying, and started cursing at me. I picked up the phone and threatened to call the police, and she ran out of my house crying. I broke up with her in an e-mail this morning.

    Now, I'm having trouble with the authorities, who came over to my home to question me tonight. I told them exactly what happened, and the officers, who seemed apalled by my vocations and beliefs said that they would return soon.


    I don't believe I did anything wrong. She struck me first, and I struck back. That is self-denense isn't it? Why are the authorities angry with me?




  10. I just want to say that I'm 20 and my bf is 28 (we met when I was 19) and we have been living together for the last 3 months and we are completely stable and happy.


    I would also like to say that guys my own age or anywhere within the 5 year vicinity of my age are way too immature for me.


    I like the stability, maturity and support my bf provides. It helps me to focus more on my development as a person and in my career as he has the knowledge, time and experience in these areas to nuture my growth.


    Also, the sex is like a MILLION times better


    Speaking of not understanding women, this is one thing I have never been able to figure out. Why do women constantly insist that they need support when they can get through life just as well as men? Women are not weak creatures, they don't need help with anything. Men can get through life all alone. Why can't a woman do the same?

    I haven't dated in 3 years, but I'm sure things haven't changed so quickly since then. I dated a 22 year old girl for a while when I was 38. She was by no means interested in mooching off of me (I'm not saying you're mooching), or having my help in her financial troubles, and believe me, she DID have financial troubles.

    Now today, it seems every young woman is wanting all kinds of support from men, when they can get through it on their own, just like men do.

    I tried dating again, and once again I met a girl who was vastly younger than me. She was only the second girl I had seen that was more than 2 years younger than me. All she pretty much wanted from me was to help her through college...Hello! Get a job!

  11. Yes I agree. I think that females are geneticly programmed to think about releationships while males are genetically programmed to think about the world around them more. I am 20 and allthough I have done very well in terms of mental developement I am almost clueless as to releationships and women. Really, I'm terrible lol. It's strange, I can read through a computer programe and make sense of it but I wouldn't know what to do with a girl on a date.


    Haha, at least you're 20 instead of 42, you have time to mature in the way women do, but I however do not, and after all these years, I've decided that I don't care much either

    But I understand where you're coming from. I can easily understand media technology, and I can communicate with a guitar better than a woman.

  12. Hey Kane...


    We are talking about relationships and that only proves my personal hypothesis that boys mature slower then girls... when it comes to emotions.


    If boys becomes interested in girls ... after girls become interested in them... then they are behind when it comes to emotional maturity in relationships.


    Which is why some girls go for older guys- because we are then at an equal maturity level with regards to relationships.


    I do feel that some boys mature faster than some girls in other areas... for instance when handling their emotions..they are much better at rationalizing- but again, this is my own personal experience.


    Which is precisely what my example intended to reflect (to the statement I bolded). I got the feeling that she said males matured slower overall. My apologies.

    I read a small article in time magazine, who did a study on the largest teen based forum in the world. The study noted a fact that almost every female posted in the relationship forum, while males dominated political and religious discussions. I think that pretty much says it all. I'm in my forties, and I couldn't give a whoot about relationships either.

  13. It's a fact: We're more mature than males who are our age. We want someone we can learn and grow from- that can truly romance us like a man and not a boy.


    I disagree with the underlined sentence. Women do not mature faster than men. It's a confliction of interest. I have a 16 year old son who could care less about having a girlfriend, he's much more worried about his guitar, his comic books, and his grades. Infact, I asked him for his opinion this morning on what I should get my ex-wife for Valentine's Day. His response was, "Dad, don't you know that Valentine's Day is a way for you to kick your wallet's @$$?"


    He doesn't know the slightest thing about relationships, and nor does he care, but he can hold conversations with adults, control his emotions well, and make good choices (sometimes). So, I wouldn't say it was maturity at all.



    Now with the bold statement, I agree. Seeing as you're 16, you've got all these romantic fantasies running through your head. The average "boy" doesn't care about them, but maybe someone more experienced with relationships will...




  14. 1. No offense buddy, but I have to agree with Honey_Pumpkin. Nobody wants a friend with a conceited attitude like yours.


    2/3. My son is the exact same way. He's not really into the whole 'teenager' thing and prefers to converse with older individuals. Thats fine, but you have to learn how to communicate wit heverybody kiddo.


    4. Hey man...I'm 42 and I'm the same way! Some people just aren't made for relationships, but at 15 I'm not sure you know for sure.


    5. Yeah, I can definitely see why this causes a problem. Most of the time, people don't like to have frinds who only care about themselves.


    6. All families have "bi-polar" relationships. There isn't a family in the world who doesn't have a problem. I don't know if it was you who thought that families were supposed to be perfect, or if you mom was like my ex-wife...Always expeting things to be perfect, thats why I divrced her, so that my kids would come to realize that the world wasn't perfect, and so they can be better people as they grow.


    7. Intelligence is nothing if you don't apply yourself.


    8. I'm not sure if you're a Christian, but have you ever heard of the golden rule?


    9. I love doing those things. nothing wrong with that, it's normal.

  15. Oh God.

    I come back from getting groceries for my parents, and my father asks me, "Do Carrie and Chris take showers together?"

    I freaked out, and I ripped into the bathroom. Carrie was naked while Christian had his boxers on; Carrie had just turned on the shower.

    I confronted them about it and I got mixed reactions. Carrie seemed to feel guilty, and silent, while Christian appeared irate and offended. Christian left immediately, and went and watched TV with m grandmother, and Carrie took a shower.

    They are in there rom together right now, and I've heard a bit of laughter, and some other interesting sounds.

    I think I should barge in, but my conscious is telling me I'm being paranoid

  16. I have a very healthy relationship with my ex-wife, and my son and daughter. My kids are 21 and 16, my daughter is older. Both are great kids, they have productive hobbies, they make good grades, etc...

    The problem is though, my son and daughter don't see eachother very often, and they've developed a different relationship than most siblings.

    Anyway, this past Thanksgiving, my ex-wife called me, and told me she saw Carrie and Christian (My kids) laying on the couch, under a blanket, holding hands and snuggling eachother. I wasn't very suspicious about it at first, but at my family's portion of thanksgiving, I saw her eating chocolate icing off his finger. And then later that night, they chose to sleep in the same bed. The bedroom they slept in had no closet, and the thought of them changing infront of eachother makes me cringe.


    Should I be worried that my own two children are doing....Something...Or do you just think it's an affectionate relationshp?

    Thoughts? Opinions?

  17. CamGuy, I like you...We should be friends



    Most men who actually understand the general concept of sexual intercourse know that women younger than 30 are God AWFUL at sex. They just expect to sit there and take it, and receive all the pleasure, while older women know how to paralell a man in the bedroom.


    Plus, younger women only have sex with their older boyfriends so they can get that nice shiny necklace they saw on a commercial. Younger women (or women in general) are always expecting to be taken care of and provided for by a man, something that men are not on this earth to do.

  18. This is by far one of the most shocking things my son has ever done. He is very quiet, low key, and nice to every individual he meets, and the last thing I would expect him to do would be to randomly maul another student.

    My son plays the Tuba in the High School band, and he has only once mentioned the rude, puny section leader whose parents are good friends with my ex-wife.

    This morning, during my son's band practice, he (my son) stated that the section leader began making fun of a peer's disabled mother in crude, obscene way. At first, he stated that the fight only involved the two brothers of the disabled mother, and the section leader. My son then said he heard something that greatly offended him, he dropped his Tuba, ran over to the section leader, and speared him in the gut. Before my son could do any damage, the band director, and a few other students were able to pull my son off of the section leader. The band director described my son's look as "bloodthirsty."

    I've also been told by a few students, and the band director himself that alot of the attack had to do with built up frustration my son had with the student he attacked. I was also notified that the section leader was in dire pain, and that he refused to come back to school in fear of being assaulted by my son, or the two brothers.


    Now I am greatly confused on what my action should be. I have always encouraged my son to defend himself, but instead of defending himself, he defended his friends. But...My son also brought up the point about his built up frustraton, and used that as an excuse to not get punished; he gave a fair argument.


    Any advice is appreciated.

  19. oh, please....


    a statement that your maturity level is not very high.

    I beg to differ.

    You cannot argue that 50% of younger women only date older men for the economic benefits that they can provide.

    I have a teenage daughter who is wanting to get involved with older males to boost her popularity level, and her material desires. She said this to my ex-wife.

  20. So these are where all the gold-diggers post.

    Quoted for agreement.

    Anyhow, my ex-wife and I had a 7 month age gap. I am older.


    I dated a younger girl (22) when I was 38.

    After that experiecne, I am concluding that if I wind up solo, I will never date a woman more than three years younger than myself.

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