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Posts posted by D1886

  1. Oh wow, this hurts......now when I hear him, I think, that's what she's thinking. Like, my eyes are finally open again, and, I see it all in a different light, that's how I used to feel, when I was trying to completely get over it. But now that she's completely over, all his words sound like they're coming from her instead of me. It's so horrible, I hate what I've done with myself, f.....this. I can't believe this, I can't believe this.

  2. A coicidence, about a week or two before we broke up, I was at her house in late june and she was saying how nick lachey was dumb for talking about his break up and how her dad would think how dumb he was. Well it was different words, but anyways, I kinda felt sorry for the guy.


    Anyways, that is the only cd I listen to now (like all the time) and it used to help and still does a little, but I just wanted to say cause I'm listening to it all the time now, like I did two months ago, but now it doesn't have as much as an impact, but still does help. K, I better get some sleep, a lot of work for tomorrow. I can't help but think what the f...... she's doing right now, it kills me, I'm almost positive she's found someone, it hurts so much.

  3. Ok, here's the craziest part about the whole thing.....


    When I met her I was looking to get some. Yeah, I am being honest. I was a senior in High school and haven't hooked up with a girl. So the first month her and I were talking/going out, I really acted like I was more than what was me before we went out. About 9 months to a year into the relationship I recognized that I was reverting back to who I was before her and there was nothing I could do to help it. I thought to myself about two years into the relationship, if she knew who I was, being antisocial and pathetic, she would not be with me. Well three to four months later I couldn't hide it and she dumped me.


    Now I find myself back at square one. I am desperately needy for a girl. Just like I was with her, but I don't let myself wait long enough for any girls. I feel like if I want her, I will let her know it, and I know this isn't how works, as mad and dumb as I think it is. I keep trying to talk to girls more than want, send texts, etc. I know this isn't attracted, but I don't have the patience, because I feel like I show'd a lot of false, secretive, non-real patience with the first ex.


    Yeah, my mom left us when we were twelve to go do whatever it is she does, we still don't talk, and I'm twenty now. And I left home from my dad, when I was sixteen to move in with my grandparents, who have been supportive from day one. So I know it has to do with abandonmnet, but I don't want to act like something I'm not. I already did that once and don't have the patience to try it again. Ha, I know it can't doesn't exist and I have to do it, but I don't want to after so much me and the ex had, but she doesn't care about that anymore, so I'm stuck. I'm so sad and hurt.

  4. I just had to get out some more feelings.


    I feel guilty for how I handled this first relationship of mine. We were together the last six months in high school before I left for college. I was planning on breaking up with her at that point, but after a couple weeks at college I decided I didn't want to lose her. About four months of long distance I could tell those same feelings weren't there like before. I decided I would hang in there with her, but not in the right way. I began to become two different people, her boyfriend when I went home, and looking for someone else when I went to school, still talking to her though everyday. This is very selfish, I know, but I lost all sight of what a relationship should be and honesty is the first thing in a healthy relationship.


    This went on for my first two years of college and really really really messed with my subconscious. I became very antisocial and as time went on I couldn't talk to a girl as much as I wanted to, even though I was still in the relationship with my girlfriend. I treated her horribly, getting in stupid fights, and was really depressed. I didn't want her to have anyone else, and that's the truth. I didn't want anyone else touching her, because we were both our first sexual partner, and I didn't want people saying, oh so and so had sex with your ex girlfriend. I couldn't face that, very cowardly considering what I was doing. I never had sex with another girl, but kissed a few, and was always looking as if my girlfriend didn't exist. It really messed with my head.


    Well, karma has come around. I was so possessive about her and treated her so bad that at the beginning of this summer she broke it off with me, right before we were heading to the same college. Now we're in the same city and she wants nothing to do with me. She is having sex with other people now, like I didn't want all along.


    I just wrote this to get it off my mind, I haven't been this up front about it to anyone. I read all this posts about how good everyone has been to their ex and it makes me feel guilty because though she broke up with me, it was me that broke it up with how I treated her for so long so it feels like I have the pain of doing that for so long and now the pain of the breakup and her being gone.

  5. I do have a big case of sexual jealousy, but that is not everything. She is such an honest, chill, no stress, relaxed, caring person who supported me so much, which I did not return for a like the last year or so of the relationship, really took her for granted. But I never felt more interested in her boobs at all, but now it really bugs me that others are going to have her sexually. She was my first and only sexual partner, and I was her first too. That, I think, is why.


    Thank you for responding to that part, it really does bother me because I am sexual jealous really bad, it kills me to think that is going to happen. Anyone else with advice on this would help too.

  6. Thank you. The other thing that kills me is thinking about her with other people, partying, getting drunk and stuff. She is a very attractive girl, big boobs (yeah it sound may sound like a bad thing to say but it does bother me) and I think about other guys trying to get her, talking about her. She was so sweet, I don't want anyone else to have her, but IT KILLS ME SO MUCH, anytime I hear about others hooking up or anything sexual I think what she's doing.

  7. Don't want to, that's all there is to it. Been broken up four months after 2.5 years. I don't understand how she can move on. I talked to her last night and she made it clear we were not going to be together. Called again today, left a couple messages saying, I hope whoever your with next you are happy, and another saying, how could you do this after being long distance for 2 years and now we're in the same city (going to the same college) and now we can actually have a normal relationship. I don't want to let go. I know everyone would probably suggest going NC to get over her, but I don't want to get over her.

  8. I went and had a burrito at a mexican restaurant, and have been sitting around the house all day. I'm working tomorrow from 6 in the morning till 10 that night at the mall, so that will be crazy.


    I just can't believe how much easier this is for her. She's with all her family, and friends, and I'm sure she's moving on so much faster and easier, thinking I'm just one person out of her life, when she has all her other family, friends, and guys around her in a comfortable, normal setting she's used to.


    Keep writing on here to let your feelings out. I want to cause like you, my family and friends wouldn't understand or definitely don't need to hear it on Thanksgiving. They also think it's been long enough and there isn't much more they could tell me.

  9. Another thing is during our break before dating again, she slept with another guy, and that is killing me to think about, and it pops into my head here and there. I just feel really betrayed, thinking about her actually doing this. Then I think what she's doing now that she's in the same town as this guy and other guy's and everything, I'm just so hurt, man, this sucks, I can't stop thinking about it

  10. Hey, I'm sorry about your break up. Me and my ex gf were together for 2.5 years, we broke up this summer, then were "dating" in October. 2 days ago she told me it was over for good. I'm in college so all my friends went home and I'm sitting here, very sad (I had to work or else I would go home). She went home with her family and friends, so I keep thinking horrible thoughts like she will find one of her guy friends from back home to hook up with, or she's talking to one of her friends from our school. I don't know, it hurts and I know it will for a long time.

  11. I need help with dealing my ex gf being sexual with someone else, it haunts me all the time. I'll got like 40 minutes out of an hour being ok, but then I think about when we used to be sexual or what if she has been or is being sexual with someone else, or when she was sexual with someone when we were broken up before a brief period of being back together. It hurts me no matter what I think of

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