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Posts posted by PinkFlame190

  1. i dont have to get marriedso young, i want to get married young, for like 3 deffent reason 1 i love her and i dont want to lose her,2 its the only why we can live together. 3 it gets me away from the family that hate me and in to a family that loves me.

    First of all...congrats on finding someone you love. Not many people find that at 16. What you said is very convincing (meaning good points) I'm not gay but I do believe that you love this girl and that you are dying to get away from your family. But keep this in mind. Say you do get married RIGHT NOW wat then? you legally cant be on your own (you still live under a gardian until your 18) anyway. I know that you are afraid that you are going to lose her and Im sure the idea of marriage is really great but your idea of love may change from now until your like 20. Who knows? you may and up being together for life but i dont think its a great idea to rush into something soo extreame as this. If she really loves you, you won't lose her. But remember this is your decision. And I think i speak for everyone when i say that i wish the best for you.

  2. I'm guessing you feel unappreciated. You obviously were very commited to him by staying by his side through all of these problems that must have been very hard for him. It's not unusual to want to be with someone who's not right for you. He probably is unsure of what he wants. He clearly doesn't want to eliminate you from his life. Try just being friends him for now and friendly towards him. See where it goes

  3. he sounds like a hastle (spelling?). You must be exhausted. Maybe you should start dating other people. I admire how strong you seem to be and you also sound like you are holding out great. Go out and meet other people. He doesn't sound like he's worth all the trouble. He probably does love you. It really comes down to how you feel. If you think you have the energy to give it one more try- go for it! But if not, don't be afraid to look elsewhere

    Good luck!

  4. You have it all wrong. I don't know if it is because you arn't around women that much or what but not all women are like that. I'm not gay but I do have more guy friends then girl friends but, like Brokenwingedfaery said, your attitude towards women is terrible. I don't think your gay or bi but I think if you don't open up your mind you're going to end up alone forever.

  5. Well, I talked to him. I poured my feelings out on AIM (it feels easier that way). He didn't say anything like "I told you so", he told me not to blame myself. Although that sounds very sweet, the conversation left me very unsatisfied. I asked him questions such as "how do you feel about what happened?" and he simply said "i don't know". This started to really piss me off especially when I asked him what his feelings were for me and he responded with the same answer. He said that he felt things had changed between us but he wouldn't but when I asked him "like what" he again said "I don't know". I even asked tried asking him if he wanted to see a movie to take are mind off things and start over and he said "I have soccer all this week" and he keeps making excuses of why he can't be with me. I then realized his done that alot lately. I'm sick of trying so hard to keep a relationship going when he doesn't seem to be trying. I kinda feel like ending the whole thing (after a year and a half) but I am terrible at breaking up. Could anyone give me an idea of what to say or anything. Don't be shy, any idea will do. PLEASE HELP!!!

  6. Hi my name is Alivia

    I have a boyfriend who I have been dating for about a year and a half. We have a pretty good relationship, however, we hadn't done anything past kissing. After we talked it over, we decided to go further and about 3 days ago I ended up giving him a blow job. I felt horrible afterwards. If you knew me, I'm not that kind of person and you would never expect that out of me. I get chills everytime I think about it and I don't know what to do. Another thing is that I'm not sure if I even like Greg (my boyfriend) anymore. I'm trying to let everything go but I can't. I thought about talking to Greg about how I'm feeling but the thing is, it was sort of my idea of going further and he was the one unsure about it. Now if I told him how I was feeling, I think he'd say like "I told ya so!". I had no idea I'd feel like this in the end. I think I did this because I was mostly curious. Now, I'm having a hard time looking at Greg and myself the same again. What should I do?

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