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Posts posted by ginger111080

  1. Yeah, myspace is bad friggin news!...gives all the right people all the wrong reasons to flirt & get freak nasty. My husband has been caught red handed asking one of his myspace girls if she likes her butthole licked!....I had my suspisions long ago when he tol dme she wanted his "other head"...I wondered why & it's cause he's givin her the come on!....the best of it is, she's just newly married & sooooooooo unatractive it's unreal, but still he gets a pervy kick out of flirting with her!

  2. I'm sick of being treated like crap....I never do anything to offend or disrespect my partners, but still they go out their way to offend me. Time to bail out I reckon, time for plan B, take my money and run again!......think I'm gonna stay single from now on!....

  3. Yeah I guess so!....I've been suspicious about him emailing this girl ever since he told me she wanted him....even tho she's married!...I told him & asked him if he was disrespecting me in anyway, he said no, but reading this had made me realise that he is, there is no excuse for talking to her this way!...I would never ask a dude if he likes deep throat!...but you know what, it makes me all the more adiment to be a bad girl back to him!....i think because I'm a good girl stripper, he feels the need to get raunchy with these girls when I'm out workin at nights!

  4. Yeah I totally agree, I mean, I've had to give him a talking too before for talking to his ex like this, you would think he would learn you know!......Man, I feel like emailing this chick and telling her to piss off too!

  5. Well I started off by asking him "if any dude asks me something sexual over email. would you class this as a come on?" he said "yes" I said "so you asking Megan if she likes her salad tossed then is a come on"....he punked out saying, I messed up leaving my myspace open, you read our emails. I said " erm well yeah....you are my husband no secrets right!".....he went to his bed demanded I leave him alone & not touch or speak to him. I've had this up to my ears, we spent a lovely evening together, he baked me a cake & cooked me dinner, to then see this, I'm devistated!

  6. Ok here it goes!


    My husband has been emailing his old highschool friend for a few months now over myspace, I saw one of his emails asking her if she had ever had her salad tossed?......I asked him about it, he shouted at me and told me to leave him alone!...she is just newly married & they like email every friggin day......I just recently got a lap dog, she complains at him allowing me a lap dog when she thinks he should have got me a manly dog!....awh man, I dunno where to go from here, his myspace is such a big secret & it's ruining our sex life and everything.....In my eyes he shouldn't be speaking to her like this or asking such questions!....none of my male friend would ever ask me this!


    Please help me understand how I should deal with this, he tell me she wants him etc,etc, I feel he's giving her the come on & flirting with her.

  7. I'm not ready to give up. I want to show her what I can be if she's willing to speak up instead of just running to a "friend" and finding comfort in their arms...


    Should I just end it or keep trying? Honestly...



    I got groped in High School once & I kicked the guy so hard in the nuts he had them in his mouth, to me that's any girls natural reaction. In my eyes your gf enjoys the attention from other guys in particular this guy. If she loved you 100% she would never speak to this guy again & be totally disgusted by him! - She likes this guy...she enjoyes what he does....she's being mean telling you about it, she's trying to get you jealous & mad....some gf's/girls enjoy seeing this, it shows them how much you would do for them & then they walk all over you.....she's starting to walk all over you. Get out before she sucks you in even further.....


    But I know how difficult it is to walk away when your not ready to give up, the thing is you'll keep pushing yourself in this relationship till it destroy's you as a person & you become to really hate her.....the day you wake up & hate her, that's the day it's over.....unless you have enough will power & strength to end it before then.


    You don't want to show this guy how much it's bothering you either cause that's what he's waiting for (your reaction) you hit him (boy I know you wanna) but he's gonna play on it so much your gonna look like the bad one, even in your gf's eye's....walk away, with your head high man, this chick's pushing you to the limit.....find another gf who treats you with respect!...there is plenty out there you know!

  8. Wow, that's exactally what's going on with me, what did your man say when you asked him to stop talking with her?....My husband thinks it's a terrible thing not to speak with her again cause he's always done it and doesn't see why being married should stop him from doing it.....I understnad what you mean by leaving someone for your own well-being, it's eating me away the fact that he's speaking with her, that much i'd rather go back to Scotland than put up with this crap!.....She's not wife material either, she too is a party animal & is the local town bike if you know what I mean! (maybe we are talking about the same girl!- hahahaha) yeah, I hate woman who seem to think it's a good idea to hang about and talk with their ex's, they know perfectly well what they are doing, she must be laughing to herself, knowing I'm going mental about the fact of them emailing, it must give her so much satisfaction....gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr I so want to email her & ask her to move on with her life.

  9. Here is how I see it.


    They've had a fling off and on for 10 years, sounds like emotional, physical, verbal. Fine if he wanted to continue on that road for the rest of his life if he were the only one to consider.


    But that's not the case. He brought you here, married you, wants to be with you. It's time for him to cut ties with her. There's no reason for him to continue a "friendship" with someone who obviously doesn't respect either one of you.


    He needs to respect your feelings. Even if they are harmless, they cross the line and make you worry at least a little and probably feel somewhat unstable in your relationship and insecure.


    Good luck and hugs!


    Thanks so much for your comment, your so right. The thing is, some men do not understand things how we see it, he doesn't see anything wrong in what he's doing full stop, cause as far as he's concerend he aint doing anything wrong, thereforeeee he doesn't want to stop talking with her....he doesn't see how much pain it's causing me, some men have no understanding at all of a womens feelings and how we think. I'm hoping that all of this will fritter out.....oh I do hope!.....cause if it doesn't it's time for me to go back to Scotland.

  10. Maybe I'm naive about all of this but I think it's a very good sign that your husband showed you the e-mail right away. If he truly thought it was wrong I think he would have avoided letting you read it at all.


    I was going to say when I read your original post about this that even though in is totally inappropriate to say that to another female I could also see how it could have been done innocently enough... Because he did mention that she was moving to be with a guy and so I personally took it that it was a sexual joke about her and another man, not her personally.


    I would moniter it.. Not so much caring about her replys but rather to see if he respects your wishes now that you have made them clear and he knows it is unacceptable in your relationship.



    Thanks, that sounds like a good idea....this whole situation is tearing my world apart, he has had plenty opportunities to marry her but he chose me, so I guess I should see it more like how you see it instead of being all jealous.......the thing is, if I tell them to stop speaking she's gonna bad mouth me to him & it's going to make me look like the bad one, I don't want to give her any ammo on me, or give her the satisfaction of talking about me to him & start poisoning his mind....he's lied to me a few times about speaking with her, this is why i'm so uneasy, before I moved in with him I was living with his mother, when we got our house and I moved down to where I am now, I saw all these texts on his phone from her, his face went bright red when I questioned him about it. I nearly ate him alive, she was calling me a bith etc,etc!....just because he chose me to marry him not her....I wanna call her & ask her what her problem is!....I better not though!

  11. missed your last post... good that he showed you the email. He showed that he is at least being somewhat honest, however unless he is dumb as a brick he should have known that he shouldnt be talking to her like that.


    I would tell him that you are not comfortable with their relationship, and that IF (THATS A BIG IF) they continue to talk, that the dirty talk has to completely go. If the friendship is not strictly plutonic from here out, and I do mean forever that the friendship has to end.


    Plutonic friends are always ok. Once that friendship crosses into the realm of sexual tension, emotional affair, lying, cheating, talking dirty or any of the above, then its time to end it.


    I totally agree....


    He doesn't like the idea that i'm trying to tell him to stop speaking to her, he doesn't see why being married & having a wife should stop him speaking to her because he say's there is totally nothing in the way they speak & they have done this for years & that he didn't mean anything in saying that to her. I'll never know his true feelings about all of this, he told me he has nothing to hide & is quite happy to show me every email that goes back and forward.....but till time passes & these emails are checked i'll never feel like I can trust him.


    Maybe i'm just being paraniod, i'll never know, but I get anxious everytime he checks his email & wherever he gets a txt. She will txt him once in a while, that's another thing that makes me uneasy!

  12. Problem solved!


    I asked to see the email he sent to her & he showed me the one in question! I told him it's not right that he refers or speaks with his ex in this way & it's disrespecting me completely!


    He said sorry & that she refers to her self as hot lil vagina not him, she made up the word and this is just her pet name......I told him I didn't care what the hell it ment or whatever, the name will never be used for her again! - Pet names shouldn't be used between them, they are ex's now!


    Anyway, problem sloved! - I'll still be keeping an eye on it though!

  13. So no children involved? Just the two of you?

    Why not confronting him? You're together only 7 months, so I guess better find out who he is sooner than later.

    Well I wouldn't worry about the fact I checked his e-mail -obviously you had every right to be suspicious. Also he will try to defend himself by attacking you for checking his e-mail. But that is just patetic excuse.

    I would talk with him. The fact I checked his e-mail wouldn't stop me.



    No kids thank god....I have no idea how to sort this one out, i'm here all alone & if I let it slip i've been reading his emails, i'll have no where to go!...


    We met only 7 months ago, married 2 of them.....we're still at the stage of getting to know one another.....I can't admit to logging into his account...I can't, it's terrible I should never have done it. Look what it's done to me....panic, panic!


    Oh god, what am I going to do, i'm thinkin I should wait to see her reply to his email & take it from there???

  14. He was "furious" at her? I doubt it. He asks for it. He's enjoying it.


    No kids thank god....I have no idea how to sort this one out, i'm here all alone & if I let it slip i've been reading his emails, i'll have no where to go!...


    We met only 7 months ago, married 2 of them.....we're still at the stage of getting to know one another.....I can't admit to logging into his account...I can't, it's terrible I should never have done it. Look what it's done to me....panic, panic!


    Oh god, what am I going to do, i'm thinkin I should wait to see her reply to his email & take it from there???

  15. Oh dang this really sux huh. yeah, newlyweds I guess it would be hard to tell him. So you mentioned that you are far from home? Did you meet him and move there?


    yeah you could demand, what do you think he would say then?


    Yeah all the way from Scotland, I met him there and moved to the USA, I dunno what he'd say.....he's showed me emails from her before, so hopefully it wont be a problem....I dunno, they say strange stuff to eachother....they are close friends. I just don't know how to handle it all.........it's probably innocent, he's always commenting sexually on chicks etc,etc....he's still quite immature I think...

  16. Yeah your all right, but what do I do?....I can't confess to reading his emails. I asked him if he was making a fool of me by being provocative with his ex's over email, he said no......i'm stuck, what do I do, how do I deal with this rubbish?


    I told him from the start that he must be giving his ex the wrong vibes otherwise she would never have called him to ask if he would divorce me & marry her.


    He's known her for 10 years, she expected to marry him but he doesn't see her as "wife" material. That's why he didn't marry her along with other reasons.......why is he doing this?


    Please help me, I'm so far from home & I can't stop crying, I have no-one to help me.

  17. Yeah I logged into his account & read this, they have been friends & sexual partners off & on for 10 years. I can't say anything to him about cause he'll know i've logged into his account, I should never have done it. I'm just so suspicious of what he's saying to his ex's. She called him 1 month ago after she found out we got married & asked him if he would divorce me & marry her. He was furious at this, I kno he isn't interested in her, he's just a terrible flirt over email & txt with her....awh man, it makes me sick to my stomache.

  18. Well, I recently caught my Husband sending provocative email messages over myspace, His ex was letting him know she was moving to a new address & he was saying back to her, whatever you've just found someone who's in love with your hot vagina!........WELL, I dunno what to say or how to react to this, my husband is a pretty forward guy & I have noticed they do tend to talk dirty to eachother sometimes over email, I've questioned him before about them sending provocative texts, that stopped, he felt bad, but now they are doing it here, where I can't get to see. I'm trying to stay calm about this, please help me.

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