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Posts posted by LONESOUL

  1. Yes it is Sandy.


    I need some cheery news~where Z (sleepin it off lol j/k Z!) he's usually

    pretty good for a chuckle or two...


    Desert, bust out the cat, let play catch. Oh I know, put him in a cat carrier and send him to me on a plane. I'll pet him and put on plane to John,

    John can send him to Sandy, Sandy to Kelo, Kelo to DYT, Camber...you get the idea. The cat will rack up on the frequent flyer miles.

    Can't send him to Beebee though, unless you don't want him back! lol

  2. John, I'm sorry to say yes, it seems to be true. You make look on the

    geief and bereavement thread. Desert let me know to go and look there.


    William posed here on DIG, to you John I think. He was going through allot, as

    we all are. I was looking forward to seeing him progress and heal. He seemed like a good guy. I will be praying for his family.

  3. Oh yes, I meant to comment to John on this as well. I agree. I think all of us here on this page (and I really really do mean this) Have ex's with regrets. We are really a bunch of great people~yes everyone's situation is different, but the thing is...we were all in for the long haul..we loved them~THEIR LOSS and

    eventually, I think they will ALL figure that out. The thing is by the time they do, I hope we are all healed, whatever that means for the decisons we make

    for our lives at the point.

  4. I'm not sure what she is feeling Sandy, I'm trying not to think about it too much, you know? Besides, how much does it really matter, right?

    She has to work out her life (that part is very hard for me. My nature is to want to take care of her) and I have to work out mine. My heart is not ready to deal with much more than getting through each day the best I can.


    John it made me cringe too. It really wasn't as hard not to respond that last time as maybe it should have been (?) What more was there to say that would have changed anything? We are two different people she and I.

    Love~even OUR love wasn't enough.


    Thanks all of you for being there for me! You are the best!

  5. Sandy~I hope not. I have many a realtionship in my 40 years, but I have only

    loved this deep twice (the first was right out of High School) My ex and I

    sadly cannot be together, it does not work. Still, I love her from the deepest reaches of my soul. I'm glad I have this place and you friends, because here, I know I really don't have to explain that, you already know. I am just beginning to deal with the fact the she moved away to the beach. I am just now realizing it actaully helps me that she is not here. NC is better for me, so I hope you are not right Sandy.

  6. Sandy~hurts like hell, but I do not want her to know.

    Z~yes, that is part of what is so difficult. It was always part of our problem.

    Actions speak louder than words. Her words mean little.


    She has allot of nerve yes, the cheek of it! (how cute)


    I know. No texting, no texting, no texting.


    MJ has little toy mouse she is loving for the last two days, she's walking

    around with it like a proud hunter hanging from her mouth..(how hard is it to catch a TOY mouse?) She brings it to me in the bed, it is a present for me!

    Oh goodie! (pat pat, pet pet THANK YOU)

    The darn this has been chewed so much it now has bald spots!

  7. Okay friends so heres the text conversation with the ex:


    I started it,(I know I know) sent her a picture of Mary Jane (just a pic, nothing else)


    DJ miss you both so much

    Me: Mary Jane is queen here. The runs the palce, has taken over.

    DJ: I miss you___(Insert our special nickname for one another)

    I do not respond


    2 hours later

    DJ are you?

    Me by

    DJ miss you

    DJ am strugglin (a term she uses for any struggle, financial, emotion..hard to pin down"over what")

    Me should be happy

    DJ: ok ___. (insert my real name)

    Me tone was not ugly it is hard to tell from a text

    DJ have been so lost since June. Go ahead and say I told you so!

    I am so so sorry____(nickname again)

    Me you got what it was you wanted, you should not be upset.

    DJ: I'm so sorry for anything and everything!


    I did not respond.



  8. Good Morning Kelo~

    Well I am sure that was lot's of fun! Hope you are feeling better.

    Sounds like you handled it well.

    I'm actaully kind of glad my ex did move to the beach, 2 1/2 hours away is much better then 30 minutes, too bad she still comes back allot because she left her kid here. (hummm, can anyone guess what stage I might be experencing again some today?)

  9. Morning my peeps...lol

    By the looks of things (steps over empty bottles of lucky lagers~looks at cat who is asleep upside down on the sofa snoring loudly...guessing that mean DYT is in the garage) I missed yet another bash.

    I had a fun night (considering I am just way to stupid to take the advice not only of my good friends on this, but my flippin OWN...lol)

    I spent the evening exchanging a few texts with the ex. bahhhhhhh


    Morning Z~you at work fixin yourself a little hair of the dog? lol


    John, how are you this morning?

  10. Oh boy...maybe you were right the other day Desert, we are all going to end up in AA before this is over! Maybe they need to move this thread to the

    "healing from premeditated self medication while getting over break up or divorce!" forum. lol (errr not funny maybe...oh what the heck LOL)

  11. DTY since you are giving very good advise today I will forgive you for

    spying and not checking in..lol

    (and for Goodness sake woman, I told you a week ago to sleep in the garage, who knew you would stay in there for a week!) lol


    For real John, she makes a great point. The woman will more than

    likely find it very refreshing.

  12. Thats because you are such an awesome dude Desert! I am not surprised

    at all that you are popular~enjoy it, enjoy people who see you for the good guy you are, and have fun. The empty moments will come, fight them, fill them!


    Sandy....you are healing as well, can you tell?? Because I can...

    What else do you do with your time beside hang out at the pub (well

    that didn't sound right, I just mean what do you do for fun and to occupy time because we don't know) Oh and I read on another thread you were spending christmas alone, you didn't mean "alone" right, because you ex was coming over right? You meant you just don't have a SO this years, correct?


    I hope none of you are planning Christmas or whatever holiday you may celebrate alone. It is no time to be brave..lol Go to a shelter and

    volenteer. I recommend it anyway, but do it for real if it is your only option at this point because family and friends are too far away. (and not a person on this site thread can say they have no friends, because we all have each other, we are just too far away...but if any of you would like to travel to Charlotte NC, we will break bread together on Christmas day!)

  13. John,

    Are those stars in your avitar the ones you saw the night we were all gazing together? Or are those the ones you are wishing on? (lol)

    It's nice, peaceful.


    6months huh Desert? I passed that mark myself on the 6th. 6 months is not

    a long time to heal Desert, but I kind get what you mean about it being a marker of some sort. You are just going to have to try your best to let it mark

    the postive thoughts like "I am 6 months closer to being healed"

    Or I am 6 months into becoming the man I want to be for the next woman

    I get involved with. Hang in there...we're here for you.

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