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Posts posted by LONESOUL

  1. Your mailbox gets bigger when you become a senior??? Who knew?

    I thought it just meant gravity was about to take over our bodies!


    I got to go backstage at a ZZ Top concert one time, it was ahhh, interesting.


    Kleo..I do not like carrots~I think they should be banned from the earth.

  2. I love corned beef and cabbage .No thats not what I meant but we

    will sign you right up to bring that! Thanks! lol...oh and thanks for the warning too, ( note... no cabbage for Kelo...or the cat right Camber?)

    Bring whatever you want to listen too~we'll adapt! lol


    Sandy, what do you want to hear? Z?


    Okay Camber and John, check in guys, we want to know how you are!

    DYT, where's the love?

  3. Thats the cycle, it's areal bear too. Sometimes they repeat over and over in no particular order. Just remember that each time you are getting closer and

    closer to healed even though it doesn't feel it.


    Been taking pics? You need to get ready because you are going to have to take allot of them at the Christmas party. Z in his jacket, Beebee and the cat dancing...Sandy, you and I draining the keg...lol! Camber, DYT and winter all dressed up...and the others, who have I missed??

    What's everybody bringing...we can do pot luck!

    Hey Camber do you want to have the band play?

  4. Desert~You are not alone you have us! I understand how you feel though.

    Try to look at it this way though, we all come into this world alone, and we all go out of this world alone. Maybe the idea is to become happy with just ourselves alone. Then if we find someone to share our days here with, great,

    if not, we have what we have always had, ourselves. Be as good to yourself

    as you would be to your SO right now. Be better even! You are catch dude!

    Keep reminding yourself of that.

  5. Sometimes I really "feel" the going through the motions part. I mean like I know I have to fake it till I make it, and sometimes I can do that pretty easy but other times, I'll just be going along and it will all hit be square in the face!

    I hate that. Pisses me off. Which is better then making me sad I guess.

    I guess i need to channel that anger better when it comes, it just hits me off guard I think. I am still amazed at how easliy it seemed her life just went on....I know it is not what it seems but what it seems still hurts.

  6. Z~baby steps, you are doing great.


    lol...the Ben and Jerry's diet! I love that, and h*ll no, not in my opinion,

    I would be basking in the fact that she had gained weight! Mine didn't gain weight, but she is a physically beautiful woman, and the last two times I saw her rough, older, warn. I was glad somehow...maybe that evil, I don't care.

  7. Sandy ~at least he can't rain on your paradeanymore, I'm glad. Seeing him there was hard on you.

    My weekend was okay, kinda quiet, I did go out with friends Friday and get slammed though. I had a good time, but come Saturday morning...Man I hate a hangover! My ex sent me a text Saturday night at 9, all it said was

    "are you okay? I didn't respond, I figure, she has lost the right to know.

    Nice of her to be conerned though, guess the new bf must have been in the bathroom of something...


    Someone please tell me in 10 years I won't remember

    going through all this crap.

  8. Z~ I totally understand.

    About 12 times a day I think I want my ex back too.

    Thank God about 13 times a day I remember why I don't.

    You lovedsomeone, it will take time to heal. You will miss them.

    All of our ex'es had their good points. Concentrate on the bad points (like

    the fact you think she may have been cheating) Be honest with yourself

    about the bad aspects of your realtionship. Ask yourself if you could ever

    trust her again, and if it would be worth it. These times are tough I know.

    We have to accept and learn move on. It won't be easy, it will be worth it.

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